Africa-Japan Youth Drive: The Co-creation of the Future We Want

August 8, 2024
Event Details

24 August 2024

9:00 am -11:00 am (JST)/ 3:00 am - 5:00 am (EAT)

Hybrid (general participants will only be able to join online)

Africa’s demographic profile is notably youthful, with a median age of 19.7 in 2020, much younger than North America’s 38.6 and Europe’s 42.5. This dynamic youth population is seen as a crucial driver for societal progress and change. The United Nations’ Agenda 2030, adopted in 2015, underscores the value of young people’s leadership and diverse talents in shaping a better future. The upcoming UN Summit of the Future on September 22-23, 2024, will be a pivotal occasion where world leaders will adopt the Pact for the Future, including a Declaration on Future Generations. This summit will seek to integrate youth perspectives and innovative ideas to advance the Sustainable Development Goals. 

In a similar vein, for 30 years now, Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD) has been a key element of Japan's long-standing commitment to fostering prosperity, resilient society, peace and stability in Africa through collaborative partnerships. 

In response to the increasing need for youth engagement and leveraging a platform with over three decades of history, the Africa Diaspora Network in Japan (ADNJ) and the Asia Africa Youth Nest (AAYN) are taking the lead in amplifying the voices of young people as key architects of the future. Supported by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and United Nations Volunteers Programme (UNV), these organizations are developing a policy recommendation and an Action Plan to strengthen connections, empower youth, and foster collaborative partnerships between young people in Africa and Japan.

During the TICAD Ministerial Meeting, this themed event will highlight the role of youth as catalysts for transformative change. Building on a series of Future Design Approach workshops involving youth from both regions, the event will provide a platform for inter-generational dialogue. This dialogue will contribute to the policy recommendations and action plan in preparation for TICAD9 in August 2025, facilitating constructive exchanges among Japanese and African youth, alongside senior representatives from academia, the private sector, entrepreneurial communities, and community-based organizations.

Event details 

Title: Africa-Japan Youth Drive: The Co-creation of the Future We Want 

Date and time: Saturday 24th, August 2024 at 9:00 am - 11:00 am (JST) / 3:00 am - 5:00 am (EAT) 

Venue: Hybrid 

            In-person: Hotel New Otani Tokyo, 4-1 Kioi-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan  

            Online broadcasting via ZOOM

Language: English, French, Japanese (Simultaneous interpretation service available)  


  • Africa Diaspora Network in Japan (ADNJ) 
  • Asia Africa Youth Nest (AAYN)
  • Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
  • United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
  •  United Nations Volunteers Programme (UNV)


Registration required for online participation. Click here to register.

*In-person participation is limited to youth representatives; general participants will only be able to join online.


9:00 – 9:04Opening Remarks: Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs 
9:04 – 9:05Future We Want: Video 
9:05 – 9:10Power of Youth: Representatives from TICAD9 Youth Proposal Project 
9:10 – 10:50 

Future Talk with Youth: Inter- generational Panel: 
o    Fostering/investing in/building change makers from youth 
o    Enhancing people-to-people relationships by facilitating human mobility and social cohesion (co-existence) 
o    Promoting youth empowerment by involving them in the decision-making processes including TICAD  

Message to Youth: Mr. Yasuyuki Nambu, CEO, Pasona Group 

10:50 – 10:55Showtime: Cultural fusion show
10:55 – 11:00Closing Remarks: Mr. Naoki Ando, Senior Vice President JICA


List of Speakers:



Ms. Winnie Karugi, Corporate Communication Strategist

As a Communication Specialist at the National Land Commission, she promotes Digital Land Governance and develops Land Use Planning Strategies in Kenya. At KYEOP, Ms. Karugi focuses on youth skills training and access to business grants. She also contributed to reviewing Kenya's National Youth Policy and is pursuing a master's in Regional Development, specializing in Urban Planning, at Toyo University.



Mr. Gwei Michael Wawa, CEO and Founder, Wandaprep LLC

Mr. Gwei Michael Wawa, Ambassador of the Future Africa Leaders Forum, has empowered 18,000 young people in Cameroon through his foundation, "Youth Empowerment through Science and Technology" (YEST). He won the 2020 Future Africa Leaders Award and currently works as a DevOps Tech Lead at Effulgence Tech while freelancing on Upwork. He holds both a Bachelor’s and an M.A. in Technology from the University of Buea.

a person smiling for the camera

Ms. Yukie Fujioka, Peacebuilding Specialist (UN Volunteer), UNDP The Gambia Office 

Ms. Fujioka has been a Peacebuilding Specialist at UNDP Gambia since March 2024, focusing on peace architecture and youth engagement. Previously, she was a Program Officer at REALs managing conflict prevention projects in South Sudan and an Evaluation Officer at JICA, where she helped revise evaluation frameworks. She holds an MSc in Violence, Conflict, and Development from SOAS University and a BA in Cultural Anthropology and International Relations from International Christian University.


Dr. Ami Nishijima, Founder, Africa Asia Youth Nest (AAYN) 

Co-founder of Africa Asia Youth Nest (AAYN), focused on fostering collaboration between Africa and Asia, with experience volunteering to improve rural life in Northern Ghana since 2019. Currently serves as an assistant professor at the University of Tokyo. Holds a B.Sc. in Inorganic Chemistry from Waseda University and a Ph.D. in Supramolecular Chemistry from the University of Tokyo.

a man wearing a suit and tie smiling at the camera

Mr. David Kpondehou, President, Africa Diaspora Network in Japan (ADNJ) 

An entrepreneur from Benin, Mr. Kpondehou is President of Africa Diaspora Network Japan (ADNJ), enhancing Africa-Japan business ties. He organizes the Osaka Africa Business Forum, co-founded Africa Samurai to provide IT training and job opportunities, and has been a business developer and program coordinator for Pasona Group’s Awaji Youth Federation (AYF) since 2017. He holds degrees in Entrepreneurship and Applied English Linguistics.

a person smiling for the camera

Mr. Naru Yamagishi, CEO, Uzuri 

CEO of Uzuri, focusing on African social issues and job creation. Uzuri partners with African brands to import, sell, and develop collaborative products. A senior marketing student at Keio University, currently working with Ocean Sole, an NPO cleaning Kenyan beaches, to develop joint products. The business began in August 2023, inspired by a childhood stay in Kenya.


Gen. Kabarebe James, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs and Regional Cooperation, Republic of Rwanda

Gen. (Rtd.) Kabarebe James currently serves as Minister of State for Foreign Affairs in Charge of Regional Cooperation for the Republic of Rwanda. His distinguished career includes roles as Minister of Defense, Senior Defense and Security Advisor to the President of the Republic of Rwanda, and Chief of Defence Staff of the Rwanda Defense Force.


Ms. Takako Suzuki, MP House of Representatives 

A Member of the House of Representatives, Ms. Suzuki began her career at Nihon Hoso Kyokai (Japan Broadcasting Corporation) in 2009. In 2018, she served as Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Defence Japan and was appointed Deputy Secretary-General of the Liberal Democratic Party in 2019. She has also served as State Minister of Foreign Affairs on two occasions. She graduated from Trent University in Ontario, Canada, with a degree in International Political Economy.


Mr. Mutsuo Iwai, Senior Vice Chairperson, Japan Association of Corporate Executives 

A 1983 graduate of the University of Tokyo, Faculty of Economics, Mr. Iwai joined Japan Tobacco Inc. the same year. His career includes roles as Executive Vice President and General Manager of the Tobacco Business Division, Chairman of the Keizai Doyukai Africa Project Team, and Chairperson of Japan Tobacco since March 2022. In 2024, he became Senior Vice Chairperson of Keizai Doyukai.


Mr. Yoichi Fukazawa, Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs 

Mr. Fukazawa currently serves as Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs. His career began in May 2000 as a secretary to Mr. Harada Shuzo. He was elected to the Shizuoka City Council in 2005, serving two terms, and to the Shizuoka Prefectural Assembly for three terms. In 2020, he became Deputy Director of the Women’s Affairs Division of the Liberal Democratic Party while serving on the Committee on Judicial Affairs.


Ms. Kinuko Yamamoto, Director and Executive Vice President, Pasona Group Inc. 

Ms. Yamamoto joined Man Power Center Inc. (now Nambu Enterprise Inc.) in 1979 and became Director of the Osaka Sales Headquarters in 1990. She later served as Managing Executive Officer at Pasona Inc., President & COO of Kansai Employment Creation Organization Inc., and Senior Managing Director at Pasona Group Inc. Since 2017, she has been Executive Officer & Vice President at Pasona Group Inc.


Mr. Naoki Ando, Senior Vice President, JICA

Since October 2022, Mr. Ando has been Senior Vice President. His prior roles include Director General of Operations Strategy and Treasury, Finance, and Accounting, Chief Representative in Indonesia, Deputy Director General of Operations Strategy, and Deputy Chief Representative in Ethiopia. He has also served as Senior Deputy Director for Africa and Program Officer in Zambia. With JICA since 1987, he holds a Master’s in International Development Policy from Stanford University and a BA in Animal Science from Kyoto University.



Mr. Oussouby SACKO, Vice Chairperson and Global Communication Director of the Japan Association

Mr. Sacko is Vice Chairperson and Global Communication Director of the Japan Association for the 2025 World Expo and a professor at Kyoto Seika University’s Human Environmental Design Program and Graduate School of Design. Born in Bamako, Mali, he studied Architecture at South-East University in Nanjing and earned both a master’s and a Doctorate in Engineering with a focus on Architecture from Kyoto University.

Chika Kondoh, TICAD Partnership Specialist, Regional Bureau for Africa, UNDP (