Baseline Study - ERRY II
Baseline Study - ERRY II
February 3, 2021
The overall objective of the Baseline study is to understand the livelihoods situation of people in terms of the five capitals (Social, Physical, Natural, Human, And Financial) among the targeted communities, households, and individuals. The Baseline would develop common resilience indicators for five capitals under which UNDP is implementing three outputs and review the current situation as well as recommend and suggest essential support needed to be provided to the targets for measuring resilience indicators throughout the project period. Outcome indicators will also be developed and indicated for use as required, although it is not expected that outcomes can be fully achieved just by the interventions of ERRY2.
This Baseline report is produced to demonstrate the capital situation in the three governorates (Taiz, Lahj, and Abyan). The total number of households in the targeted districts, according to the 2004 Census is 54,967.