Mohammad's café: brewing success in Diyala

Mohammad's Café is not just a place for coffee and food; it is a symbol of hope, change and never giving up.

September 4, 2024
a man standing in front of a birthday cake

Humble Beginnings

In the heart of the old Baqubah market in Diyala, Mohammad’s Café stands as a relic of the past. Its cracked walls, worn furniture, and dim lighting tell a story of hardship and resilience. Mohammad Jalil, 27, who has struggled with hearing loss and speech difficulties since birth, inherited this café from his father, a war-disabled veteran. Now, Mohammad shoulders the responsibility of supporting his entire family, including his mother, brothers, wife, and children, through the modest income the café provides.

a person sitting at a table

Struggles and hardships

In the past, Mohammad’s café served only hot drinks, barely meeting the family's basic needs. After his father's passing, the situation grew even more dire. Mohammad was forced to take on multiple daily-wage jobs to make ends meet, as the income from the café, with its deteriorating condition and aging building, was insufficient.

Reflecting on those tough times, Mohammad shares, "Those were difficult days. I didn’t know what to do. I couldn’t provide for my family’s basic needs, and our debts kept piling up. It felt like I was living in an inescapable nightmare."

a person eating a banana

Glimmer of hope

Amid the overwhelming darkness, a glimmer of hope emerged. Mohammad’s Café became part of the UNDP SME Grant Programme, which allowed Mohammad to fully renovate the café and equip it with modern juice and simple cooking equipment. These grants aim to support Iraqi youth like Mohammad in establishing and sustaining their businesses, offering them a chance to rebuild their lives and communities.

a man standing in front of a building

Bringing the community together through food 

The transformation extended beyond just the appearance of the café; it also brought a fresh and diverse menu. Mohammad's Café now offers a wide variety of delicious Iraqi breakfasts, refreshing drinks, and traditional dishes like kubba, makhlama with eggs, and hearty soups. This revitalized menu has attracted new customers, turning the café into a bustling hub of local flavors and community.

Towards a New Beginning

Mohammad’s Café has rapidly transformed into an oasis in the heart of the market, attracting intellectuals from across Diyala. It has become a gathering place for seminars and cultural discussions, where minds meet and ideas flourish. The café is now a beloved destination for Diyala's intellectual community and youth, offering a unique space to connect, engage, and enjoy meaningful conversations.

Success and Inspiration

Mohammad’s earnings increased significantly, allowing him to support his family and provide them with a decent life, with a daily income of around 30,000 Iraqi dinars. His ambition didn't stop there; he hired another worker, creating a job opportunity for someone else facing difficult circumstances.

Mohammad’s story has become a beacon of hope for many young people in Diyala, showing them that with perseverance, their dreams can be realized, no matter how challenging the circumstances.

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Mohammad's story is a remarkable example of the human spirit's ability to overcome adversity and achieve success. Through his determination and with the support of the United Nations Development Programme’s Building Resilience through Employment Promotion (BREP) programme, in partnership with the Humanitarian Relief Foundation (HRF) and with generous backing from the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) through KfW Development Bank, Mohammad transformed his dream into a tangible reality.

This initiative not only helped Mohammad rebuild his life but also revitalized his community. The café, once a humble establishment, has become a cultural hub and a beloved gathering place, breathing new life into the market and making it more vibrant than ever.

To date, over 1,181 small and medium-sized enterprises have been supported through training, coaching, in-kind assistance, or grants, inspiring many others to pursue their dreams, no matter the obstacles.