Climate Promise


Mounting scientific studies and reports continue to emphasise the need for humans to make significant and relatively immediate action in order to reduce global warming and minimise the impacts of climate change. The 2015 Paris Agreement and its associated 2030 Agenda resulted in countries developing their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). NDCs are a country’s commitment to actively implement measures that will reduce global warming to the 1.5°C target, for Caribbean Small Island Developing States (SIDS), 1.5°C restrictions in global warming is needed to stay alive. Under the Climate Promise (CP), the UNDP supports countries in developing increasingly ambitious NDCs which are expected to generate a greater impact in the fight to minimize global warming. In the Caribbean, the UNDP Barbados Multi-Country Office (MCO) is supporting four (4) countries through CP to update their NDCs; namely: Antigua & Barbuda; the Commonwealth of Dominica; Grenada, and St. Vincent & the Grenadines. These countries are benefitting from access to the UNDP’s substantial expertise across areas such as water, forests, energy, finance, gender equality, agriculture, youth empowerment, health, and governance. This project is particularly beneficial to SIDS as it provides an opportunity to commit to mitigation and adaptation actions that will generate greater resilience to the negative impact of Climate Chang

All countries under the Climate Promise in the Caribbean have identified several areas through which gender will be included as significant aspects of their updated NDCs. These actions are currently being implemented and include the capacity development and empowerment of women from across varying sectors as well as the inclusion of youth. The intention of these countries to emphasise gender equality in their NDCs has led to joint implementation partnerships with projects such as the Enabling Gender-Responsive Disaster Recovery (EnGenDER). Approximately 17% of the overall project budget is associated with gender related activities.  

To date CP has been collaborating with or in collaboration discussions with other partner organisations or projects such as CIP, ILO, IRENA, and EnGenDER on the implementation of different activities across all four countries.



The Government of Antigua & Barbuda has prioritised the energy sector as one of the main areas to be addressed under CP. Proposed work surrounds the Just Transition of the energy sector and the Just Transition of the workforce with specific attention to training and employment opportunities for women, country capacity assessments for NDC implementation, and in incorporation of new sectors into local NDC targets. Work will also be done to support the assessment of current and future insurance options for farmers and fishers with an emphasis on women within this sector.  


Dominica is also focusing on capacity assessment to support the development of the local system needed for NDC implementation as well as the analysis of the costs needed for NDC implementation. The review process aims to target new areas for inclusion into the revised NDCs including existing or emerging relevant policies, strategies and targets in other areas that could be incorporated into the NDC.


The country has had extensive stakeholder consultations which facilitated the NDC review process and is in the final stages of revision with the intent to submit at the end of November. CP’s work in Grenada will continue into 2021 and will include the development of a financial roadmap which outlines the cost of NDC implementation and possible investment opportunities that can attract private sector funding from local and international benefactors. There is also an opportunity for collaboration with a local entity to support citizen climate awareness on the NDC development process and its importance in conjunction with the promotion of Mission 1.5. 


Along with the review of their NDCs St. Vincent is focused on assessing its local capacity to determine the requirements and needs for the implementation of its revised NDCs. The country has also placed emphasis on seeking private sector investment for NDC implementation and the reduction of GHGs with attention to the assessment of PHFCs, HCFCs, and HCFs. 

Communication actions and knowledge products will be developed for all countries to facilitate public awareness of the NDCs and their review process with focus on the actions prioritised by each country. 

The Climate Promise is a corporate commitment funded by multiple donors and serves as a key contribution to the NDC Partnership. This funding for the Eastern Caribbean Countries is made possible with the generous contributions from Sweden.