Groundbreaking Ceremony for the Establishment of the Regional Tree Nursery Station in Tboung Khmum Province

Key Remarks by Ms. Alissar Chaker, Resident Representative

September 8, 2024
a close up of a sign

H.E. Dr. EANG Sophalleth, Minister of the Ministry of Environment

H.E. Pen Kosal, Provincial Governor , Tbong Khmum Province 

It is my great pleasure to join you in today’s Groundbreaking Ceremony for the Establishment of the First Regional Tree Nursery Station in Tboung Khmum Province. This is the first milestone we agreed on with the Ministry of Environment within the framework of UNDP’s support to the establishment of five Regional Tree Nursery Stations in the provinces of Koh Kong, Kampong Speu, Siem Reap, Tboung Khmum, and Mondulkiri of 17 July 2024.

I would like to express my appreciation to the local authorities who have been actively working with the Ministry’s officials and UNDP to prepare for this important endeavor and to his Excellency’s leadership in making the Circular Strategy on Environment 2023-2028 a reality. 

This joint initiative accelerates the ongoing efforts implemented under the National Reforestation Strategy that aims to plant 1 Million Tree, as well as the recommendations of the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and carbon neutrality targets. 

UNDP supported the Government and the Ministry of Environment in developing the above mentioned key policies and frameworks for implementing the national climate agenda and continues its contributions to the ambitious mitigation goal of achieving 60% forest cover by 2050. Support on the climate agenda was possible thanks to the long-standing support of the Cambodia Climate Change Alliance (CCCA) programme, funded by the European Union, the UNDP and Sweden, which has delivered significant results over the past 15 years for a sustainable future.

Forests have great social, ecological, and economic values. Reforestation, and forest restoration are central to the climate agenda. Carbon sequestration reduces carbon emissions and mitigates climate change. The Nationally Determined Contributions expect to reduce 41.7 percent of domestic greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, with half of that reduction concentrated in the Forest and Land Use sector. 

Forests also improve water quality and filter air pollutants. They serve as vital havens for biodiversity with a multitude of flora and fauna depending on them for nutrients, shelter, and water providing a valuable source of food and materials for rural populations. 

From camping, fishing, hiking and meditation, forests also provide us with opportunities to connect with nature, and improve our well-being and spirituality. They are thus important assets for developing eco-tourism and diversifying income. 

By the end of the year, four other provinces - Koh Kong, Kampong Speu, Siem Reap, and Mondulkiri – will follow suit. The ongoing work entails the assessment for the selection of suitable sites to establish the tree nurseries, the preparation of master plans and the design of nurseries that incorporate sustainability features such as the use of solar panels for electricity and water supply systems.

Excellencies, distinguished guests, and colleagues,

Reforestation is back in importance and its success depends on partnerships and joint efforts. Thus, I would like to seize this moment to express my appreciation for the diligent efforts of the Ministry of Environment, and the strong resolve and leadership of H.E. EANG Sophalleth. Also, my gratitude to our development partners, UN sister agencies, and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) for their steadfast commitment to promoting climate action and environmental sustainability.

We, at UNDP, believe in the power of partnerships. Working together, we can leverage our resources and expertise toward a greener, cleaner, and more sustainable Cambodia. 

Thank you/ Saum Orkun.