Opening Remarks by Ms. Beate Trankmann at the 4th International Forum on Big Data for Sustainable Development Goals

September 6, 2024
UNDP China RR Beate Trankmann delivering remarks at FBAS 2024

UNDP Resident Representative in China, Beate Trankmann, delivered opening remarks at the 4th International Forum on Big Data for Sustainable Development Goals (FBAS) in Beijing, China.

尊敬的王希勤 副主任 (Mr. Wang Xiqin, Deputy Director, National Natural Science Foundation of China),

Distinguished Irina Bokowa, former Director General of UNESCO,

Distinguished Ambassdor Csaba Körösi, President of the 77th UN General Assembly,

Ladies and gentlemen, 各位来宾,女士们,先生们,

I am delighted to join you for this 4th International Forum on Big Data for the SDGs.


We gather at a critical time in our journey towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The world is grappling with multiple interconnected crises—rising inequalities, climate disasters, escalating conflicts, and economic uncertainty - stalling progress on almost every SDG.

Only 17 percent of the global goals are currently on track to meet their 2030 targets[i] and the all-important Goal 13 on Climate Action is even facing regression. Importantly also, the Asia-Pacific region is not expected to achieve the goals until 2062— 32 years beyond our original deadline.[ii]

The urgency to accelerate progress can, therefore, not be overstated.

However, within this urgency lies an opportunity—an opportunity to harness the power of big data to support countries and communities to embark on sustainable development pathways.

In 2020 alone, 64.2 zettabytes of data were created globally—a staggering 314 percent increase from just five years earlier.[iii] This rapid growth in data, fueled by emerging technologies, can be leveraged to inform and transform society, protect our planet, and drive progress toward the SDGs.

And nowhere is the rapid growth of digital technology more evident than here in China, where its scale and speed are nothing short of extraordinary. In a remarkably brief period, China has evolved into one of the world’s largest digital economies, with over a billion internet users and an expansive digital infrastructure.

But for data to be a force multiplier for development, it must be representative, interoperable, and accessible.

Big data is not merely a tool; it is the lifeblood of informed decision-making. Yet, many organizations and governments, especially in developing nations, lack sufficient and timely access to high-quality data sources, excluding millions of people from decisions and policies.

As we discuss big data’s potential, we must ensure that it includes everyone.

"For data to be a force multiplier for development, it must be representative, interoperable, and accessible. Big data is not merely a tool; it is the lifeblood of informed decision-making."

That is why The Global Digital Compact to be agreed upon by stakeholders at the Summit of the Future, which the UN Secretary General is convening later this month in New York, is so critical. It will focus on harnessing the opportunities and managing the risks of digital technologies, including closing digital divides and advancing effective data governance.

Globally at UNDP, we are committed to ensuring that all countries can leverage data to accelerate progress towards their national development priorities, as well as the SDGs.

This includes providing data innovation solutions such as the SDG Push Initiative, a comprehensive country-specific tool to plan and implement SDG breakthroughs across diverse development contexts. Another example is our Data Futures Exchange, a global open-source platform that empowers policymakers with state-of-the-art data for evidence-based decision-making.[iv]

Additionally, last year, we launched the Data Policy Navigator to assist governments in integrating data into their policy-making process.

Moving forward, let us remember that an inclusive and sustainable digital future requires collective action from all of us—governments, organizations, businesses, and individuals alike.

In closing, I would like to express my appreciation to CBAS as the main organizer of this forum and all partners involved. I wish you insightful discussions ahead.

Thank you.

[iv] Key messages for HLPF 2024