Brochure - Road to COP 27


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Brochure - Road to COP 27

November 10, 2021

Momentum is building, yet the commitment and action gap is still significant. Nations are working together to tackle climate action, with public and private sector, civil society and development partners through significant dialogue and partnerships.

COP 21 took place in Paris in 2015, with the birth of the Paris Agreement. Nations pledging to reduce emissions, adapting to the impacts of a changing climate and committing to financing the climate change road ahead. Under the Paris Agreement, countries committed to bring forward national plans setting out how much they would reduce their emissions with policies to navigate climate change.

Egypt’s road to the 27th UN Climate action of the Parties in 2022, on behalf of Africa, will feature innovative solutions that will help close the gap this decade. The predecessors in COP 22, the last summit held in Africa, in Marrakech, Morocco taking place more than 5 years ago, was the beginning of a roadmap of action and impact for the continent; one of the most vulnerable regions in the world to the consequences of climate change. The brochure features how Egypt started the journey from Sharm El Sheikh, the city renowned for its eco-tourism and protected diverse natural habits, through the UN Convention of Biodiversity Conference of Parties (COP 14) and will continue ahead to COP 27.