The long-term and wide-ranging impacts of climate change pose a growing and structural risk to poverty eradication and sustainable development, not least given a high level of dependency on rain-fed agriculture and forests for food security, livelihoods and access to energy. As much as 10 per cent of GDP may be lost annually due to climate change11 as increasing natural disasters, loss of water resources, forests and biodiversity, and population displacement, especially from ecologically fragile lowlands, take their toll. Impacts on social cohesion and peace are also likely to be considerable. 

To sustain development gains and increase resilience, UNDP will promote leapfrogging to a green economy and faster adaptation to climate change.

UNDP will support efforts to adapt to and mitigate the impacts of climate change and build resilience through piloting, learning and scaling up of tested adaptation practices in the ecosystems of the highlands and lowlands that address the poverty-environment nexus. Strategies will include the integrated landscape approach for natural resource management and food security, the use of innovative models and tools for monitoring and gender mainstreaming, and the integration of climate resilience into policies and strategies. UNDP will continue to engage in the implementation of gender-responsive community action plans to ensure integrated adaptation and mitigation responses that simultaneously tackle sustainability and poverty. Support will be provided for upscaling weather index-based and risk insurance systems. At a broader level, UNDP will help update Ethiopia’s nationally determined contribution as part of the Climate Promise Initiative, and support the preparation of the third national communication under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and biennial reports.

UNDP will sustain and scale up its assistance for natural resource management and conservation of biodiversity. UNDP will support the implementation of the Government’s 10-year Forest Sector Development Plan (FSDP), the REDD-plus mechanism and the strengthening of forest sector institutions to enhance the conservation and development of forests for multiple benefits, building on partnerships with the Governments of Denmark, Norway and Sweden. Preventing forest loss, promoting restoration and integrating sustainability into major commercial crops such as coffee will be priorities to raise productivity, boost livelihoods and reduce poverty. UNDP will partner closely with regional and city administrations on the implementation of the FSDP and intensify private sector engagement in the sustainable use of forest resources for value addition and job creation, utilizing, among other things, an emerging partnership with KOICA to tap Ethiopia’s major bamboo forests. UNDP will support measures to improve the conservation of biodiversity resources and sustainably manage protected areas. Action on combating desertification, a growing threat, will be accelerated.

UNDP will focus on access to renewable, affordable and clean energy as a major catalyst for the transition to a jobs-rich green economy, ensuring that women and female-headed households benefit from this investment. UNDP will work at the three levels of policy analysis, advocacy and advisory services to de-risk and create an enabling environment for the emergence of a market at scale for renewable energy services; prototyping of business models and technologies with private sector participation; and development of bankable projects to crowd-in investment. Partnerships with sister agencies will be emphasized as will South-South cooperation, tapping ongoing collaboration with the Government of China and others.

UNDP will build up its portfolio on sustainable urbanization, continuing work on urban waste management, combining livelihood improvement, development of urban greenery and climate change mitigation. Building on continued support to the Beautifying Sheger Project in Addis Ababa, a Smart Cities Hub will focus on solutions using digital and analogue technologies to boost inclusion, sustainability and resilience, with a special focus on the role of women in advancing the New Urban Agenda.

UNDP will invest in early warning and risk management systems to deal with the rising threat of natural disasters. Early warning systems will be developed in vulnerable regions, linked to contingency planning. UNDP will support the generation of gender-disaggregated, multi-hazard disaster risk assessments and information products with increased emphasis on hazard specifics and calculation of associated damage and loss potential vis-à-vis various risk scenarios. UNDP will generate a climate and disaster risk governance baseline and strengthen disaster risk governance, including for recovery; integrate disaster risk reduction into national planning, budgeting and accounting systems; promote and support tracking of disaster risk management investments; and draw attention to gender-differentiated impacts and responses.  (Read more in our Country Programme Document)

Infographics and project fast facts 

Partnership with Sweden to support the forest sector in Ethiopia 


Publications supported through UNDP 

Ten-year National Forest Sector Development Programme

Documenting best practices from three GEF supported projects

Environmental and Social Management Plan GCF

Institutional National Gaps (Final report)

Financing Strategy and Implementation Plan 

Capacity Needs Assessment and Development Plans

Ethiopia's Nationally Determined Contribution update (2021)

Gender Analysis - NDC

Capacity Gap Assessment and Capacity Building Action Plan for Agriculture and Forest Sectors

FOLUR project documents including safeguards for public consultation

Investment case for air pollution reduction in Ethiopia - Executive Summary



Read more about our interventions in the area of climate change and the environment.


Tackling access to clean cooking energy solutions

Lighting up rural schools and communities with solar energy 

Bringing back lessons from Sri Lanka - Renewable energy tech for Ethiopia (blog)

Making the investment case for clean air

Access to groundwater to unlock sustainable solutions for the Horn of Africa

Rebuilding lives and livelihoods through forests

Clean energy investments - pivotal agenda towards gender equality and women's economic empowerment

Ethiopia to combat deforestation and boost coffee production in Ethiopia

Powering Equality (blog)

Resilience to climate shocks in Ethiopia—What does it take? (blog)

Payment for Ecosystem Services: Maximizing Community Benefit Sharing (blog)

Promoting biodiversity resources in Ethiopia (blog)

Mini-grid solutions to enhancing Ethiopia’s energy system

Finding climate solutions for Ethiopian farmers

Moving from Managing Crisis to Managing Risks

Ethiopia's insurance landscape and opportunities for risk financing

Ensuring sustainable outcomes through social and environmental safeguards

Catalyzing South-South Cooperation on RET

Sharing south-south knowledge on renewable energy tech

Advancing Green South-South Trilateral Cooperation

Tackling Climate Change: An inside look at the scoping mission in Oromia and Harari Regional States of Ethiopia

Ethiopia kicks off national consultations ahead of Stockholm + 50 national consultations

Assessing the Economic Value of Ethiopia’s Forest Ecosystem

Enhancing access and benefit sharing from genetic resources

Promoting South-South Cooperation in Renewable Energy: Ethiopia, Sri Lanka and China

Trilateral Cooperation on Renewable Energy in China - Ethiopia - Sri Lanka Workshop (speech)

South-South Trilateral Cooperation Partnership Supports Training on Energy Need Assessment

Promoting Rural Energy Technology Entrepreneurs in Ethiopia

Vegetable Production Revitalizing the Livelihood of Poor Households - Ferdahusa's story in Somali region

Seed Grant Award for RET Enterprises (speech)

Innovation around rural energy technologies (competition for enterprises)

Atonomous Adaptation helping Ethiopian Farmers

Sweden partners with UNDP to support Ethiopia’s forest sector

Introducing the Ethiopia's Forest Sector Transformation Unit

 Launch of the Ten-Year National Forest Sector Development Programme (speech)

Understanding Better the Value of Ethiopia's Forests

Going Green: Ethiopia launches its strategy for Climate Resilient Green Economy

Piloting Weather Insurance for Ethiopian Farmers to build Resilience

Promoting Sustainable Technologies to Meet Ethiopia’s Growing Energy Needs

Investing in the Lowlands of Ethiopia

Transforming Ethiopia's Livestock Sector

Ethiopia Launches New Intervention for Sustainable Green Cities

GEF Small Grants Call for Proposals

Promoting Sustainable Technologies to Meet Ethiopia’s Growing Energy Needs  

Relevant links 

Ethiopia's NDC and CRGE KM portal