UNDP launches second phase of Entrepreneurship Development Program

December 14, 2019

UNDP Ethiopia has finalized preparations to launch the second phase of the Entrepreneurship Development Program (EDP) to be implemented from July 2017 till end of 2020.

Partners and stakeholders from government, private sector, development partners and UN agencies provided inputs to enrich the new program design and the programme document was endorsed at a local programme appraisal committee meeting held on 21st of June 2017.

Speaking at the Local Programme Appraisal Committee meeting, UNDP acting interim Country Director, Mr. James Wakaiga said, “UNDP is ardent to bring long-term impact in revitalizing and creating a mass of innovative private sector that can act as a driving force for inclusive economic growth in this country”.

The new phase of EDP with a budget of USD 12 million budget is targeting to create 147,000 new jobs within the next three and half years.

The Entrepreneurship Development Program is UNDP’s flagship program designed to unleash the entrepreneurial spirit of Ethiopia’s private sector through high quality training and business advisory services. The first phase of the programme was launched in 2013 by H.E. Prime Minister Hailemariam Dessalegn and created over 54,000 new jobs.

The successor program will generate wealth; increase investment; expand and diversify local enterprises; promote innovation and creativity through provision of trainings, business advisory services as well as access to finance for entrepreneurs. The programme will build strong partnerships with different governmental, non-governmental and private sector institutions.

The EDP program will be anchored by the Ministry of Urban Development and housing and under the direct supervision of the Federal Urban Job Creation and Food Security Agency.

Government of Canada has been the major donor of the first phase of the program providing USD 5.8 million disbursed over a period of two years.  Microsoft East Africa also partnered with the programme to provide mentorship, training and software to support start-ups.  Enat Bank also partnered with the programme to benefit low income women by providing them with loans without collaterals.

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