UNDP at the 25th International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2024)

July 1, 2024
UNDP at AIDS 2024
Event Details

21 - 26 July 2024


Munich, Germany

The 25th International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2024) from 22 to 26 July in Munich, Germany is convened by the International AIDS Society. It will bring together people living with, affected by and working on HIV, scientists, policy makers, healthcare professionais, media and communities to share knowledge, best practices and lessons learnt from the HIV response over the past 40 years. 

UNDP's HIV and Health team, through the UNDP-led SCALE Initiative, will be hosting several events focused on the 10-10-10 targets, human rights and key populations. The SCALE Initiative is also supporting the in-person participation of representatives from 40+ key population-led organizations, all of whom are receiving SCALE grants for work on removing structural barriers to HIV services.

List of UNDP's engagement at the AIDS 2024:

DateEventHow to join

21 Jul


From dreams to reality: Achieving the global 10-10-10 HIV targets with and for key populations

UNDP Pre-Conference Session

More information


21 Jul


Pre-Conference Session 1: Countdown to change: Can we achieve the 10-10-10 HIV targets by 2025?

Organized by UNDP

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21 Jul


Pre-Conference Session 2: Little Revolutions: Unleashing good practice on the pathway to law and policy reform for key populations

Organized by UNDP

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21 Jul


Pre-Conference Session 3: More than an emergency: Enhancing the safety and security of key populations

Organized by UNDP

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22 Jul


Harnessing web3 and blockchain technologies: Novel opportunities to transform HIV response measures 

Co-Sponsored by UNDP and Elton John AIDS, Co-Organized by Social Equation Hub and GNP+ 

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23 Jul


UNDP Satellite Session: Punish or protect? Law in the lives of key populations

Organized by UNDP

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24 Jul


Getting decriminalization right: What do good laws look like? 

UNDP, UNAIDS & GNP+ Co-Facilitated Workshop 

More information

24 Jul


Resilience in a time of polycrises: How HIV programs are adapting to climate, humanitarian, political, and social crises More information

24 Jul


Resourcing Sustainability: Investing in Key Populations Leadership for Enabling Environments

Donor Roundtable organized by UNDP

By invitation only

25 Jul


10th Key Population Community of Practice (KPCOP) 

UNDP, The Global Prevention Coalition and South to South Learning Network

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