Opening remarks by Ms. Noella Richard, Resident Representative a.i., at the Co-creation Workshop of the Green Growth and Jobs Accelerator Project (SMEs and Youth4Sustainability)

6 septembre 2024
un groupe de personnes posant pour la caméra

Photo taken during the Co-creation Workshop of the Green Growth and Jobs Accelerator Project (SMEs and Youth4Sustainability)

PNUD Maroc


Rabat, 5 September 2024


Dear Government representatives,

Dear Chabab and Chabbat, 

Dear Entrepreneurs,

Dear Partners,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Esteemed Colleagues and Distinguished Participants,

Sbah el kheir [Good morning]!

It is with great honor that I open our co-creation workshop, on behalf of the United Nations Development Programme - UNDP. 

I am really excited about this meeting because in the room today we have some powerful young visionaries, fueled by passion, audacity and eager to see the world change. We also have private sector enterprises, young and old, daring, resolute and ready to go beyond business as usual…. You are all willing to shape the course of our shared destiny and I warmly thank you all for joining us today! 

(H)adafouna [Our purpose]? Igniting a beacon that illuminates the path toward a sustainable, resilient future. Our intention is that the convergence of young leaders and entrepreneurs from our inaugural accelerator cohort mark a pivotal moment in our collective journey! 

Each stroke of collaboration to be defined here today will weave a tapestry of possibility, where green and decent job creation and youth-led innovation meet.

Let me say a few words about the project - the Green Growth and Jobs Accelerator GGJAP – this fantastic endeavor which gathers us here today. It was launched in 2023, with the support of Danish-Arab Partnership Programme (DAPP), as a collaboration with the UNDP Regional Bureau for Arab States, the UNDP Nordic Representation Office and 4 UNDP Country offices, including the Morocco CO. I extend a warm welcome to the Ambassador of Denmark to Morocco, and to this meeting, and thank the Government of Denmark for the continuous support to UNDP’s work, including on youth leadership and innovation.  UNDP highly values this long-standing partnership.

It is with immense pride that UNDP Country office in Morocco co-drives this project. Our commitment to youth empowerment and sustainable development is unwavering and young people are our best allies toward the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs.

In pursuit of sustainable development, the GGJAP has recently launched the groundbreaking “Y4S” (Youth4Sustainability) initiative to bridge the gap between highly qualified young talents and the specific needs of accelerated companies; a first pilot initiative in which young minds, steeped in green technology, leadership, social innovation and impact communication, become the catalysts for positive change and can truly be recognized as partners for sustainable development. 

This meeting today is a unique win-win opportunity. On the one hand, we count on the participation of bright individuals ready to share their knowledge and collaborate directly with companies, breathing life into green and sustainable projects. On the other hand, we have companies eager to reap the rewards— gaining support, fresh perspectives, and invaluable know-how from rising talents. And all together, with Denmark, UNDP and other partners, we are weaving a truly beautiful tapestry of transformation!

Dear Participants,

Hada likaa [This gathering] is intended as a vibrant platform where ideas converge, knowledge flows and collaboration blooms, all in a safe and inclusive space in which to experiment, innovate, and co-create

Let’s make sure this workshop also allows us to weave a concrete action plan, as a cornerstone of our SME acceleration program. 

I invite you to, indeed, guide and nurture young bright minds… but I would also ask you to embrace the idea of being driven and led by young people themselves, as their sense of purpose, their aspirations and their ambition can push us to do more, and better. 

Please always count on UNDP as your reliable, determined and agile partner, convening, accompanying and supporting along the way!

Let’s create ripples that echo far beyond these walls!


Our commitment to youth empowerment and sustainable development is unwavering and young people are our best allies toward the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs.