a close up of a logo

Hope for resilient and connected communities

Heritage meets modern

Scenario 03


The Nadi Pintar Centre emerged as a transformative force in one of Asia’s new capitals, addressing the evolving challenges endemic in the 2020s such as the drive for decarbonisation and managing rapid urban growth. The Centre became a focus for integrating technology with local traditions.

At Nadi Pintar, AI was trained on cultural heritage and modern curricula to develop educational programmes that addressed local needs in sectors like sustainable agriculture and entrepreneurship. Young farmers learned to use neural net-aided diagnostics to enhance crop yields and manage resources efficiently, while aspiring entrepreneurs used emerging technology to enable lightweight, mobile and adaptable new businesses.

The centre also played a crucial role in combating digital misinformation. Digital literacy workshops employed advanced AI to simulate real-world scenarios, teaching participants to identify and counteract false narratives.

Central to Nadi Pintar’s success were the “Digital Navigators,” young leaders who transitioned from learners to mentors.

Looking ahead, Nadi Pintar plans to introduce more specialized training programmes in technology and entrepreneurship, bridging the gap between traditional skills and modern innovations. There is potential to replicate the Nadi Pintar model in other cities, creating a network of innovation hubs that promote sustainable development and digital literacy across Southeast Asia. 


Speech at opening by inaugural Digital Navigator

Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests and fellow pioneers,

It is a privilege to stand here today at the grand opening of the Nadi Pintar Centre. As one of the inaugural Digital Navigators, I have witnessed a remarkable transformation within this community—a transformation that addresses not just our immediate challenges, but also the aspirations of future generations.

We inaugurate today not merely a building but a beacon of hope and a bridge to the future. Here at Nadi Pintar, we confront the legacy of our times, where many young adults find themselves in a holding pattern, delayed in reaching traditional milestones of adulthood due to economic and social barriers. This Centre represents our resolve to ensure that today’s advancements do not compromise the wellbeing of those who will come after us.

At Nadi Pintar, we merge cutting-edge AI with our deep cultural heritage to develop educational programmes that equip us to meet global economic demands and address local challenges. Our programmes are designed not just to provide skills but to weave those skills into the fabric of our community’s needs, ensuring sustainability and relevance.

As Digital Navigators, we are the embodiment of the Centre’s mission to guide our entire community through the evolving digital terrain. We are prepared to tackle misinformation, apply technology to traditional industries, and advocate for critical, forward-thinking approaches that consider the long-term impact on our community and beyond.

I invite you all to join us in this journey. Let us work together to ensure that the digital revolution enriches our lives and that the potential of our youth is fully realized, not deferred.