UNDP The Gambia
Governance and human rights
This programme will consolidate governance-related reforms, strengthening national institutions to promote the culture of democracy, human rights, access to justice, anti-corruption through improved accountability and transparency, and the rule of law, using innovative approaches to reach the poorest. UNDP will focus on the nexus between political and economic governance to achieve improved economic management for poverty eradication through bilateral and multilateral relationships, with positive consequences for foreign direct investment, business growth and government revenue.
In Depth
UNDP will support access to justice by strengthening capacities of enforcement authorities in justice delivery and human rights institutions to provide services, enlarge citizen participation in decision-making and elections, and uphold the rule of law, tapping into its global network through South-South and triangular cooperation. Building upon lessons learned from the 2012-2016 cycle, this programme will deepen the foundations for coordinated delivery of high-quality justice services to the poor, focusing on children and women through legal aid and assessments of development results.
UNDP, in collaboration with United Nations organizations, development partners and civil society organizations, will strategically leverage its position as a neutral convening entity to dialogue and advocate on sensitive issues, governance risks and mitigation strategies. Support to promoting gender equity and women’s empowerment will focus on the implementation of policies through a joint Gambia Government-United Nations system programme. UNDP will continue to advocate for implementing the national human rights commission act and support human rights monitoring mechanisms.
The programme will support citizen participation and strengthen capacities of oversight and accountability institutions, the National Council for Civic Education, and the Association of Non-Governmental Organizations. Support for implementing the citizen engagement framework will target the media and emphasize providing voice to women and excluded groups. Implementation of the decentralization policy and strategy will be prioritized for capacity-building. This pillar will contribute to the attainment of sustainable development goals 5 and 16.