JPOSC Website



To be eligible to apply to the German JPO Programme, candidates must:

  • Hold German nationality.
  • Hold a post-graduate degree, as minimum requirement.
  • Have at least 24 months of practical experience in the relevant area.
  • Have fluency in English and another UN language.

More detailed information on applicant requirements in German is provided on the BFIO website.

Application and contact details

Detailed presentations of each vacancy and further application details in German can be accessed on the BFIO website.

Applications to vacant JPO positions must be sent to:

The German JPO Programme in numbers

For further information on the number of JPOs financed by Germany and administered by the UNDP JPOSC please refer to the Facts and Figures section.

JPO Stories

Johanna Dohl

Mena Mokammel

Vacancies funded by Germany

For vacancies sponsored by Germany kindly check the site of the Bureau for International Organization's Personnel (BFIO).

Useful Links

JPOSC HR Focal Point

Ms. Tine Puk Therkildsen