Strengthening Local Climate Action Project

The project supports Kosovo municipalities in their transition towards zero emission development pathways by building on the results of the successful project “Urban NAMAs” in Prizren and extending it to sustainable rural development and the Municipality of Suharekë/Suva Reka.

Goals (What do we want to achieve).

The goal is to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and contribute to carbon neutral development through an integrated and gender-sensitive approach of supporting informed decision-making through data, with increased focus on rural areas, the dynamics between rural and urban areas, social innovation and stakeholder platforms, food systems and financing to enable a green recovery from COVID-19.

The project intends to achieve the following four outputs:

1. Strengthened local capacities to set ambitious and achievable GHG reduction targets and take gender-responsive climate action.

2. Effective implementation of cross-sectoral and gender-responsive mitigation actions in the rural and urban areas of the municipalities of Prizren and Suharekë/Suva Reka and contributing to the reduction of GHG emissions.

3. Green transition and shift to sustainable development pathways advanced at municipal level through promotion of innovative financing.

4. Transition towards more sustainable food systems accelerated in the municipalities of Prizren and

Expected Results

· Strengthened the capacities of 43 members of the Municipal Green Growth Centers in Prizren and Suharekë/Suva Reka municipalities to address climate-related priorities, identify mitigation actions, and prioritize them for both urban and rural areas.

· Established Municipal Green Growth Center and empowered local authorities to articulate the climate-related priorities and identify and prioritize mitigation actions for both the urban and rural area in Suharekë/Suva Reka Municipality.

· Developed 2nd GHG emission inventory report, 2016-2019, of Prizren Municipality.

· Developed 1st GHG emission inventory report, 2016-2019, of Suharekë/Suva Reka municipality.

· Developed Suharekë/Suva Reka's Climate Change Cross-Sectoral Intervention Plan.

· Developed Prizren’s Intervention Plan for Rural Development to Mitigate and Adapt Climate Change.

· Developed Monitoring Reporting and Verification governance structure.

· PV Solar System Municipal Assembly Building in Prizren Annual generation 70.52 MWh/year.

· PV Solar System Health Emergency Facility Annual generation 31.12 MWh/year.

· PV Solar System City Library Annual generation 25.72 MWh/year.

· Enhance knowledge in the areas of environment, climate change and rural development through the mentorship program Ukshin Hoti," for 60 university students and 100 secondary high school students in Prizren and Suharekë/Suva Reka gained knowledge on renewable energy and climate change sources through educational sessions and the observation of the installation process of PV panels.

· Completed mapping food assets in Prizren and Suharekë/Suva Reka municipalities.

· Developed a Road map on how to increase local sustainable food systems in Prizren and Suharekë/Suva Reka municipalities.


Where?Prizren Municipality, Suharekë/Suva Reka Municipality
BeneficiariesPrizren Municipality, Suharekë/Suva Reka Municipality, Ministry of Environment, Spatial Planning, and Infrastructure, Ministry of Economy
PartnersMinistry of Environment, Spatial Planning and Infrastructure Ministry of Economic Development, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Prizren Municipality, Suharekë/Suva Reka Municipality, CSOs, Private Sector,
Duration:November 2021 – October 2024
Project Budget:EUR 1,150,000
Donors:Austrian Development Agency (ADA), Prizren Municipality , Suharekë/Suvareka Municipality

Enisa Serhati
Inclusive Growth and Climate Resilience
Portfolio Manager
Phone: +383 (0) 38 249 066 (Ext. 311) 
Mob: +383 49 117 575

Xheva Berisha Rexhepi
Strengthening Local Climate Action Project
Project Manager
Phone: +383 (0) 38 249 066 (Ext. 301) 
Mob: +383 49 186 511