Inclusive Museum Initiative creates an accessible and inclusive environment at the National History Museum of Kyrgyzstan

September 19, 2024
A group of people posing for the camera.

Bishkek, 17 September 2024 – The "Inclusive Museum" initiative, a collaborative effort between the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the National Historical Museum of the Kyrgyz Republic, has revealed a comprehensive roadmap aimed at making cultural spaces in Kyrgyzstan more accessible and inclusive for persons with disabilities.

Over the course of the initiative, from May to September 2024, international experts conducted complex assessment of the national legislation and National Historical Museum’s policies, infrastructure, services, and communication systems to evaluate their inclusivity and accessibility. These findings formed the foundation of several key strategic documents, including concept notes, communication strategy, roadmap, and catalog of solutions that outline how the museum—and other cultural institutions—can be more welcoming to all visitors. Following the principle of "Nothing About Us Without Us”, the assessment was conducted with the participation of persons with various disabilities, museum staff, and expert community. 

“The importance of this initiative goes far beyond a single museum. The inclusive museum will be an important step towards the creation of broad inclusion not only for our institution, but also for all cultural organizations of the republic. We are confident that the successful experience we are accumulating through this project will serve as a model for other museums, libraries, theaters, and cultural centers. This project demonstrates that inclusion is not just an achievement, it is a process that requires a systematic approach, involvement of all stakeholders and continuous improvement,” – said Baktybek Sekimov, Advisor to the Minister of Culture, Information, Sports, and Youth Policy of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Key strategic documents have been validated by national stakeholders and presented to the public, including the Ministry of Culture, Information, Sports, and Youth Policy of the Kyrgyz Republic, the Ministry of Labour, Social Welfare, and Migration, the Council for Persons with Disabilities under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic, as well as representatives of international and local public organizations and museum community.

“We are confident that openness and accessibility of museums in Kyrgyzstan will contribute to diversity, sustainability, and full inclusion of persons with disabilities in the life of society,” said Alexandra Solovieva, UNDP Resident Representative in the Kyrgyz Republic.

“At today's event organized by UNDP, I emphasized a few new things for me, and the ideas discussed were very good. The most important thing is that it should not remain on paper, we need to work with specialized ministries and agencies. It is necessary to implement and integrate these ideas into real life so that our museums throughout the Kyrgyz Republic become accessible,” – said Iskender Sultanaliev, Head of the Phenomenon Public Foundation that supports the potential of visually impaired people. 

The “Inclusive Museum” initiative has risen the importance of comprehensive and systemic approach toward assessment of cultural institutions’ inclusiveness as well as unveil opportunities for revising legislation and policies, rethinking the concept of universal design and accessibility. 

UNDP encourages everyone to join forces to create a more inclusive, open and equitable society, and thus improve the quality of life of people with disabilities and enable them to live independent and fulfilling lives.

About the initiative 

“Inclusive Museum” is a joint initiative of the United Nations Development Programme and the National Historical Museum of the Kyrgyz Republic to assess the accessible environment of the Museum to develop recommendations for creating an inclusive environment and making the museum accessible to persons with various disabilities.

For media inquiries please refer to Ainagul Abdrakhmanova, UNDP Communications Officer at