Lesotho Innovators Shine at STEAM2024 Conference: A New Era of Growth

September 17, 2024
a group of people standing in front of a crowd posing for the camera

In a bid to foster innovation, creativity, and entrepreneurship among the youth, the Ministry of Information, Communications, Science, Technology, and Innovation (MISCTI), in collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Lesotho, held a week-long comprehensive STEAM Bootcamp, culminating in the STEAM2024 Conference. Out of 1,944 applicants, 202 participants were selected to embark on this transformative journey, which aimed to showcase and enhance their skills in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM), while nurturing an entrepreneurial spirit crucial for economic growth across various sectors.

The bootcamp laid the foundation for the three-day STEAM2024 Conference, which brought together Lesotho's brightest minds in a celebration of innovation and forward-thinking solutions.

a group of people posing for the camera

A Platform for Innovation and Growth
Under the theme "Innovating for a Sustainable Future," the bootcamp attracted a diverse group of participants, including aspiring entrepreneurs, recent graduates, and young professionals from across Lesotho. The program immersed participants in the multifaceted world of business and entrepreneurship through a mix of lectures, hands-on workshops, mentorship sessions, and interactive group activities.

Miss Rethabile Shale, from the Entrepreneurs Network, a consulting firm engaged by UNDP to coordinate the bootcamp, highlighted the program’s focus on building critical business skills. “Our goal is to provide a robust curriculum that gives participants a deep understanding of key concepts in entrepreneurship, business management, product development, and innovation,” she explained.
The curriculum was rich with insights from local and international experts, covering key areas such as business model development, financial literacy, digital marketing, and leveraging technology for productivity. Workshops on emerging technologies – including artificial intelligence, machine learning, and blockchain – equipped participants with tools to stay competitive in the evolving global market.

Empowering Lesotho's Future Leaders
Hon. Nthati Moorosi, Minister of Information, Communications, Science, and Technology, visited the bootcamp and emphasized the long-term value of the training, particularly the importance of innovation for economic development. “Innovation is the backbone of every economy. Almost every economically stable country owes its success to manufacturing and the ability to innovate,” she noted.

The bootcamp helped participants integrate scientific, technological, and creative problem-solving approaches, while mentorship sessions offered invaluable guidance on refining business plans, understanding market needs, and navigating the entrepreneurial landscape.

Networking was a central feature of the bootcamp, enabling participants to forge valuable relationships with seasoned entrepreneurs, business leaders, and investors – connections poised to fuel their entrepreneurial journeys.

A Transformative Journey
UNDP Lesotho Resident Representative, Dr. Jacqueline Olweya, stressed the importance of aligning entrepreneurial efforts with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and praised the remarkable progress made since the launch of the STEAM initiative in 2023.

“When we began in 2023, we received about 600 applications. Just a year later, that number has surged to 1,944, thanks to the support from MISCTI. The journey has been transformational,” Dr. Olweya reflected. She also celebrated the increased diversity in this year’s cohort, with participants’ ages ranging from 16 to 84 years, and female representation rising from 37% to 43%. She commended the participants, stating, “Being chosen from such a large pool indicates the potential for your ideas to make a significant impact on this country.”

A Showcase of Innovation at STEAM2024 Conference
The STEAM2024 Conference, themed “Global Science for Global Wellbeing,” was the culmination of the bootcamp, where the top 100 innovators from the cohort pitched their groundbreaking ideas. In her opening address, Hon. Moorosi lauded the UNDP for organizing the transformative event, adding, “Innovation is not just an idea; it is a way of helping change the world.”

The conference marked a turning point for many participants, with the top 30 innovators selected to represent Lesotho at the upcoming Sebabatso Conference.

Inclusivity was a major focus, as Dr. Olweya highlighted the participation of 144 individuals with disabilities and significant involvement from older Basotho. The Principal Secretary of MISCTI, Mr. Kanono Ramashamole, emphasized the Ministry’s commitment to digital transformation and expressed optimism that the presented innovations would lead to job creation and economic growth.

A Bright Future for Lesotho
The STEAM Bootcamp and STEAM2024 Conference showcased the growing entrepreneurial and innovative talent in Lesotho. As the event came to a close, it was evident that participants had not only gained valuable knowledge and skills but also formed a network of forward-thinking individuals ready to shape the future of Lesotho. The collaboration between UNDP and the Ministry of Information, Communications, Science, Technology, and Innovation has set the stage for the continued development of an entrepreneurial ecosystem poised to drive sustainable development and economic prosperity in Lesotho.

In the words of Dr. Olweya, “Innovation is the cornerstone of progress, and by investing in our youth today, we are securing a brighter tomorrow for Lesotho.”


a group of people posing for the camera