Anti-Corruption Public Education Awareness Program

Speech by UNDP Deputy Resident Representative for Programme Louis Kuukpen

September 12, 2024
a man wearing a suit and tie

UNDP Liberia Deputy Resident Representative for Programme - Louis Kuukpen

  • Madam Chairperson
  • Esteemed Government Officials
  • Distinguished Officials and Staff of the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission
  • Members of the Media
  • Honored Guests, Ladies, and Gentlemen

I bring you warmest greetings from the United Nations Development Programme Family and have the distinguished honor to be a part of this significant program, today. I extend my sincere appreciation to all stakeholders for their dedication to this cause.

The purpose of this gathering is to advance our collective efforts in combating corruption in communities to take a more active role in promoting social accountability and transparency in local governance and public service delivery.

Corruption is a pervasive global issue that undermines democratic institutions, economic development, and social progress. It is a multifaceted challenge that affects countries across the globe, In Liberia, the detrimental impact of corruption on good governance, economic development, and societal well-being cannot be overstated.

The Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission (LACC) plays a pivotal role in addressing these issues by preventing, investigating, and prosecuting acts of corruption. Its work is crucial in fostering a culture of integrity and transparency within our national institutions. Through its public outreach and workshops, the LACC continues to empower citizens and communities, encouraging greater participation in promoting social accountability and transparency in good governance.

The training is crucial for enhancing the rule of law, accountability, and good governance. It ensures that laws and regulations are understood and applied correctly, fostering a fair society. It also enhances accountability by allowing personnel to hold government officials accountable, reducing corruption and enhancing public trust. Well-trained personnel are better equipped to implement good governance practices, leading to transparent and accountable institutions. Training also improves judicial efficiency, leading to more efficient case management and fair trials. It also builds capacity to combat corruption and implement anti-corruption measures successfully. Furthermore, training emphasizes the importance of integrity, ethics, and professionalism in public service, fostering a culture of accountability. This program’s core objective is to raise awareness on anti-corruption and enhance citizens' engagement in the fight against corruption. By increasing understanding of the amended LACC Act and other anti-corruption laws, we aim to empower both citizens and public officials.

As the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) remains resolute in its commitment to fostering inclusive societies and strengthening institutions, as embodied in the Sustainable Development Goal 16 with funding support from its donors, in Strengthening national and local capacities to ensure justice, security, and inclusive growth is paramount. UNDP is instrumental in enhancing the training of personnel in Liberia's integrity institutions and judiciary. It provides technical assistance, resources, and expertise to develop training programs on legislative frameworks, anti-corruption strategies, and accountability mechanisms. It also aids in the establishment of training centers for judges, prosecutors, and law enforcement officials. The UNDP also collaborates with government and civil society to strengthen legal frameworks and promote coordination among stakeholders to achieve a unified approach to anti-corruption efforts.

The Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission (LACC) is a key body in the country that promotes the integrity of institutions and the judiciary. It advocates for the implementation of anti-corruption laws and policies, providing training for personnel to ensure compliance. The LACC also provides capacity building initiatives on anti-corruption, ethics, and integrity for public officials and the judiciary. It also monitors and evaluates the performance of integrity institutions, making recommendations for improvement. Additionally, the LACC conducts public awareness campaigns to educate the public about integrity and anti-corruption measures.

The training of personnel in integrity institutions and the judiciary on legislation and accountability is fundamental to strengthening governance in Liberia. Both the UNDP, Partners and the LACC play significant roles in this process through capacity building, policy advocacy, and collaborative efforts aimed at promoting transparency and accountability.

I encourage all participants to actively engage in this training. It aims to bolster the capacity of personnel from integrity institutions and the judiciary to effectively implement and enforce laws, regulations, and accountability mechanisms. By fostering a culture of integrity, transparency, and accountability, this training will equip participants with the knowledge and skills to champion these values within their respective institutions and the broader justice system. Collaborative knowledge-sharing during this session will deepen understanding of the legal frameworks, enabling more effective application and enforcement of these provisions.

In closing, I wish to extend my sincere thanks to the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission and all our partners for their invaluable support, dedication, and collaboration in making this initiative a reality. Your collective efforts are crucial in driving the fight against corruption, and this training represents a significant step forward in strengthening the integrity of our institutions.

I am confident that the knowledge and skills gained through this program will have a lasting and positive impact on Liberia’s ongoing efforts to combat corruption, foster transparency, and promote accountability at all levels of governance. Together, we are building a future where integrity is the foundation of our nation’s development, and every Liberian can participate in a just and fair society.

Thank you once again, and I look forward to witnessing the outcomes of your important work