Joint UNDP- UNEP Poverty and Environment Initiative
Project overview
Poverty-Environment Initiative (PEI) provides support to mainstream environmentally sustainable natural resource management into national and sectoral development processes. Such mainstreaming ensures that poverty reduction is not undermined by the unsustainable use of natural resources. The focus of PEI is on integrating environmentally sustainable natural resource use into national and sectoral development processes and budgets and on capacity building at the national and sectoral level.
PEI Phase II has an increased focus on influencing budget processes, the poverty and gender aspect of poverty‐environment mainstreaming and continued emphasis on communication and dissemination of study findings to ensure their use and to achieve additional impact.
Project Objective
The two broad objectives and by implications the outcomes that PEI seeks to promote are:
- Pro-poor environment and natural resources linkages mainstreamed in policies, development plans and programmes at national, sector and district level
- Budgeting and financing for sustainable development incorporated into national, district and sector plans, policies and budgets.
Main Project Activities
- Raise awareness regarding poverty‐environment linkages and sustainable natural resource management among key stakeholder mainly by disseminating findings and recommendations from strategic studies.
- Integrate sustainable natural resource management in the implementation of national development plans and district and sector policies including agriculture, forestry, fishery, wildlife.
- Improve the government's capacity and systems to monitor and develop poverty‐environment indicators.
- Explore financing mechanisms for sustainable natural resource management, including increasing budget allocations, donor funding, private investment and environmental fiscal reform measures.