Youth empowerment in Europe and Central Asia: Driving change for climate, peace and security

August 12, 2024
a group of people posing for the camera
UNDP/Duško Miljanić

Environmental sustainability, climate change, and peace are among the most urgent, pressing, and complex issues we face today. Their significance holds us accountable to current, next, and future generations. Understanding, analysing, and transforming key pain points into solutions is a complex and collective responsibility of all of us.

This responsibility is particularly crucial in the Europe and Central Asia region, which stands at a critical point, facing complex challenges that threaten stability, progress, and sustainability. From human rights pushbacks, shrinking civic spaces, to armed conflicts, the region grapples with multifaceted issues that demand urgent attention and innovative solutions. These challenges are further exacerbated by widening gaps along ethnic, religious, socio-economic, gender, and generational lines. The spectre of climate change looms large, threatening to intensify existing fragilities, potentially destabilizing social cohesion, and increasing geopolitical risks.

Generation Nexus: Empowering youth and engagement for the future

Young leaders from across Europe and Central Asia gathered in Podgorica for a three-day workshop on 8-10 July 2024, titled “Generation Nexus: Youth Empowerment and Engagement For The Future”.  This event, designed by and for young people, aimed to amplify the voices of youth as key drivers of change and innovation, with support from the UNDP.

The first Workshop of this kind was organized in Istanbul 2022, bringing together youth delegates from Europe and Central Asia. Consequently, the participants established their Generation Nexus: Eurasian Youth Network for Climate, Peace, and Security, and adopted an ambitious work plan for 2024, focusing on capacity building, project development, and strategic partnerships. This year, UNDP Montenegro co-hosted this workshop with the UNDP Istanbul Regional Hub for Europe and Central Asia, as well as the Bangkok Regional Hub for Asia-Pacific countries, bringing together inspirational young activists to Montenegro.

Young activists, entrepreneurs, and leaders from Montenegro hosted youth delegates from 18 countries and territories in the Europe and Central Asia region, members of the Generation Nexus regional youth network.

Faced with growing challenges, today’s youth are the solution creators for the future. “Generation Nexus” seeks to empower young visionaries by providing them with the tools, knowledge, and connections necessary to influence policies and practices that promote sustainable development and social cohesion. This workshop served as a platform for young leaders to engage in interactive sessions, collaborate, and network to adress key issues in their communities.

Let’s explore the key themes and insights that emerged from this dynamic gathering of young minds! 

The power of youth

Half of the world population is under 30. There are 1.2 billion young people aged 15 to 24 years old. This demographic reality underscores the critical importance of youth engagement in addressing global challenges.

However, UNDP Montenegro’s research shows a growing intergenerational gap and misunderstanding. Adults often consider young people disengaged, unmotivated, and not interested in social processes. On the other hand, young people in Montenegro do want to engage in development, but they are not offered tailor-made opportunities. When it comes to climate change, young people are frustrated with the older generation’s attitude towards it. They perceive adults often treating climate change as a problem for the future, believing someone else will handle it.

Despite these challenges, the region’s youth represent a true beacon of hope! Ambitious youth organizations are rising to the occasion, working tirelessly to unite young voices in sustainability transition. These young leaders recognize the crucial importance of good governance and integrated approaches to ensure that climate actions contribute to building social cohesion and sustaining peace.

Youth initiatives: Catalysts for change

Across the ECA region, numerous youth-led initiatives are showcasing best practices and demonstrating the potential for regional synergies. From Ukraine to the Western Balkans, young people are implementing peace-positive climate actions that not only address environmental concerns but also contribute to trust-building and peacebuilding efforts.


For example, in one Montenegrin municipality, Pljevlja, with the support of UNDP, a Creative Hub has been opened, a place where young people can explore innovative technologies, acquire new skills, and collaborate with different representatives of the society, which is an excellent example of how a single action can initiate a process of exchanging ideas and knowledge. At the same time, the Super Schools program, whose launch was supported by the Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO), has enabled young people from the Western Balkans to break down prejudices and build peace through communication, learning, and getting to know different cultures. More than half of the projects supported by RYCO are focused on environmental protection. Young people from Montenegro gathered by the Scout Association learn almost daily and through practical work to respect nature and solve problems as a team, contributing to sustainable development goals and social cohesion. Another shining example of youth activism in Montenegro is the Young Entrepreneurs Union, whose representatives said at a workshop that young people need not only financial support, but also motivation, mentorship, understanding, with an important message – mistakes are part of the learning process, while authenticity and cooperation are the keys to success!

These initiatives are multifaceted, engaging young people in peacebuilding processes, helping them develop conflict resolution skills, and promoting mutual understanding across diverse communities. The impact of these efforts extends far beyond their immediate objectives, fostering a new generation of leaders equipped to tackle the complex challenges of our time.

Isidora Petković from Serbia emphasizes the crucial role of youth in peacebuilding: 

“The role is crucial with bringing new perspectives, strong opinions and culture of dialogue and changes.”

a person holding a sign posing for the camera

Isidora Petković

UNDP/Duško Miljanić

This sentiment is echoed by Rezalt Justin Kasaj from Albania:

“Young people play a vital role in peacebuilding by encouraging dialogue and mutual respect. Their engagement helps bridge divides and resolve conflicts. Involving young people in peace initiatives leads to a more inclusive society.”

a person standing posing for the camera

Rezalt Justin Kasaj

UNDP/Duško Miljanić
The critical fight against climate change

As global climate talks continue, the need for unprecedented action becomes increasingly clear. The upcoming G7, G20 Summits, UN General Assembly, and COP29 must drive ambition, cooperation, and action. In this context, youth play a pivotal role, driving innovative solutions, advocating for policy changes, and fostering community resilience.

Policymakers at COP typically make decisions that significantly impact the lives of young and future generations, and it’s crucial to involve young people in policy-making process. Azerbaijan has taken a pioneering step by sending its first-ever youth delegate, a young woman, to COP 29, scheduled for November 2024 in Baku. This move has inspired other countries to consider similar initiatives. Leyla Hasanova from Azerbaijan, appointed as a Youth Climate Champion for COP29, also attended the workshop. Her presence engaged and inspired participants, reinforcing the idea that everyone, regardless of age, can make a difference in combating climate change!

a person standing in front of a laptop

Leyla Hasanova

UNDP/Duško Miljanić

The ECA region, facing major ecological disruption, has emerged as a climate hotspot. Climate change could heighten water scarcity, catalyze energy crises, and accelerate land degradation, potentially increasing inter-community and cross-border tensions.

Climate change is not a future issue, but a pressing topic of today.

Young people in Montenegro recognize the urgency and are actively working on adaptation and mitigation efforts. Their role in developing the National Adaptation Plan and collaborating with UNDP, Office for Sustainable Development, and the Ministry of Tourism, Ecology, Sustainable Development and Development of the North at the time (now the Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Development of the North) the is crucial for the future. A key document in the area of climate change adaptation in Montenegro has been developed with the support of UNDP: the National Adaptation Plan. Four priority sectors at the highest risk have been identified – agriculture, water, health, and tourism – and a set of measures offering adaptation solutions has been developed. Once adopted, it will serve as a guide on how to adapt to climate change.

UNDP in Montenegro is also playing a crucial role in facilitating GHG emissions projections with the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) under the Paris Agreement. Montenegro has set significant progress in reducing greenhouse gas emissions through projects that promote renewable energy, energy efficiency, and sustainable transport. However, with an ambitious NDC target of 55%, UNDP is supporting the process through developing projections for 2030, 2035, 2050 and offering mitigation measures and solutions for the effects of climate change, along with a resource mobilization strategy.

The success of these initiatives critically depends on youth involvement, as young people bring fresh perspectives, innovative ideas, and long-term commitment to climate action. Their participation is essential for ensuring that these ambitious targets are not only met but also sustained in the long run.

Young leaders in the region are extremely aware of these challenges and are actively working to address them.

Alexandr Pretenko from Kazakhstan shares his perspective on NDCs, a key tool in the fight against climate change:

“NDC is a useful tool for international cooperation, as publishing information about their results motivates countries to strive harder. However, since NDCs are not mandatory, some countries ignore them, and as a result, the world is still very far from achieving sustainable development goals.”

a person standing posing for the camera

Alexandr Pretenko

UNDP/Duško Miljanić

Building on this, Meri Bitsadze from Georgia emphasizes the transformative potential of NDCs:

“NDC is sustainable, just, and equal environment for all. A Commitment for better future. It is NOT just another policy document on the shelf, as a shell of an obligation.”

a woman holding a sign posing for the camera

Meri Bitsadze

UNDP/Duško Miljanić
UNDP’s approach: Empowering youth

Recognizing young people as agents of positive change, UNDP has adopted a co-creation approach in its work with youth. The UNDP Istanbul Regional Hub, in collaboration with partners, established the Generation Nexus: Eurasian Youth Network for Climate, Peace, and Security. This network actively fosters youth engagement and regional collaboration, providing a platform for joint initiatives and knowledge sharing. With support from the UNDP Bureau for Policy and Programme Support, efforts are underway to further enhance the Network’s impact. A regional youth workshop held in Montenegro, aimed just that: to empower youth delegates to shape government policies, develop actionable measures, and expand peer-to-peer collaboration within the ECA region and beyond.

In a long-lasting partnership with Ministry of Sports and Youth, UNDP in Montenegro has been supporting national and local youth policy development, as one of most comprehensive and important policies. Our latest joint endeavour is the national Youth Strategy 2023-2027. The strategy defines support to young people and their contributions for sustainable development, environmental protection, peace, social cohesion, and their active participation, and serves as a roadmap for collaborative cross-society efforts and impact.

This approach aligns with the views of young leaders like Isidora Petković from Serbia, who states: “I can advocate for youth inclusion and participation in policy discussion.”

Rezalt Justin Kasaj from Albania further elaborates on the importance of youth empowerment:

“We need to empower youth forums and councils both national and local. Young people should be involved to ensure their voices are heard. Being silent is not always the best option; raise your voice, ask, request, and share your ideas. Empowering youth is about our future and the generations to come.”

Overcoming challenges: Strengthening youth resilience

The path to change is not without obstacles. Young people in the ECA region face numerous challenges, from limited opportunities to participate in decision-making processes to the impacts of ongoing conflicts and economic uncertainties. However, the resilience and determination of these young leaders shine through in their unwavering commitment to creating positive change.

Meri Bitsadze from Georgia offers an inspiring message to young people facing challenges: “Do not stop moving forward. Nihilism is your enemy while creating a dream life for you. Never shy away or be embarrassed to ask for support. Good things happen when you least expected them. Just move forward!”

This spirit of resilience and optimism is a common thread among young leaders in the region, driving them to continue their efforts despite the obstacles they face.

Key outputs and future direction

This workshop served as a unique opportunity to connect local, national, and regional perspectives of young Climate, Youth, Peace, and Security activists. The event enhanced the individual capacities of participants by offering a series of presentations and conversations with thematic specialists joining from different parts of the world. Besides networking and learning about regional initiatives, the youth representatives developed a series of concrete outcomes to demonstrate their determination and commitment to sustainable development. Together, they contributed to:

  • A revised regional strategy on engaging youth in the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) enhancement process;

  • UNDP Programming Recommendations, by presenting and discussing challenges and good practices in promoting youth, peace, and security in the Europe and Central Asia region;

  • Youth Empowerment Proposals, creating three proposals for youth empowerment through learning about existing and advocating new inclusion, labor, and economic opportunities for young people, with the ultimate goal of creating broad alliances involving private sector partnerships.

These outputs represent more than just documents – they are a testament to the power of youth engagement and the potential for young people to drive meaningful change in their communities and beyond.



The workshop attracted attention from Montenegrin media, highlighting the importance of involving youth in climate action and allowing the voices of young activists to resonate, further spreading awareness and inspiration throughout Montenegro and beyond. You can read some of the media reports from the workshop at the links below: