a group of people posing for the camera

Parliament Support Project (Phase - II)


Since its inception in 2015, the Parliament Support Project (PSP) has been providing technical support to enhance the capabilities of the Federal Parliament (FP), all seven Provincial Assemblies (PAs), members of parliament (MPs), parliamentary committees, and their secretariats. In its current phase (2023-2027), PSP is strengthening key parliamentary functions, including evidence-based lawmaking through comprehensive bill review and post-legislative scrutiny, evidence-based oversight, parliamentary outreach and openness. The project focuses advancing parliamentary research and promoting Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) and human rights. It also supports the parliaments in strengthening the capacities of women MPs and MPs from marginalized groups for their effective parliamentary roles. Additionally, PSP is actively engaged with women, youth, sexual and gender minorities (LGBTIQ+), and persons with disabilities to voice their concerns in parliamentary discourse. It also facilitates the engagement of civil society organizations (CSOs) with parliaments for evidence-based lawmaking and oversight functions. 


Since the re-introduction of legislative body in 2008, UNDP Nepal has been supporting strengthening of parliamentary democracy in Nepal. This support focused on enhancing the capacity of MPs and parliamentary staff in lawmaking, oversight, and representation, among others. Over 15 years, there has been notable progress, with parliaments at the federal and provincial levels engaging the public more routinely and adopting evidence-based approaches for lawmaking and oversight. However, challenges persist. The shift to federal governance has yet to fully translate into necessary administrative and legislative actions. Some key foundational legislations are yet to be endorsed, and opportunities to review existing laws are limited. Additionally, the federal and the provincial parliaments need to enhance their research and analysis capabilities to provide MPs with timely, evidence-based information for legislative and oversight functions. Public engagement, although increased, is not yet institutionalized. Despite Nepal's commitment to Gender Equality & Social Inclusion (GESI), parliaments are yet to adopt specific GESI policies or tools. Against this backdrop, the ongoing phase of the Parliament Support Project (2023-2027) has been further strengthening the capacities of Nepal's parliaments to carry out their parliamentary functions in more inclusive and participatory manner. 


Major Achievements

  • Enhanced capacity of MPs (507 in 2023 and 230 as of June 2024) and secretariat staff (276 in 2023, 162 as of June 2024) of the Federal Parliament (FP) and the Provincial Assemblies for their effective parliamentary roles.
  • Supported parliamentary committees of the FP and PAs for experts' reviews and public consultations on 10 bills and Post Legislative Scrutiny of 2 federal Acts. These resulted in over 100 feedback for review of the bills and reformations of the Acts.
  • Supported parliamentary committees of the FP and PAs through 16 oversight missions on pressing issues such as climate change, Dalits' concerns, public finance management health, education, and implementation of SDGs with over 100 recommendations to the governments.
  • Over 65 parliamentary outreach interventions provided opportunities to over 5,000 people to voice their concerns directly or indirectly to more than 100 MPs through public consultations, public hearings, and radio program. The weekly radio program promoted parliamentary accountability by directly or indirectly reaching out to over two million people through 77 radios across Nepal.
  • Collaborated with 25+ Civil Society Organizations or research institutions to support parliaments on evidence-based lawmaking, oversight, public hearing and mentoring program. Engaged with 500+ youths (including 100 Persons with Disabilities and 30 LGBTIQ+ representatives) in activities like "Visit to Parliament," "Interaction with Parliament Leadership,", Mock Parliament, law review from LGBTIQ+ perspective.
  • Contributed to institutionalizing annual inter-legislature meetings, incorporating PLS, introducing calendar system, lobby reporting, enhancing civic space, and routine engagement with think tanks. Explored innovative practices such as increased use of ICT in parliaments, research on Parliamentary Budget Office, and GESI audit, study, and documentation of parliamentary ruling.


Project Outputs

  • Output 1: Federal Parliament & Provincial Assemblies have enhanced capacity to scrutinize draft laws and to monitor implementation of legislation
  • Output 2: Federal Parliament & Provincial Assemblies have enhanced capacity to conduct oversight of government spending, polices, and programmes; 
  • Output 3: Federal Parliament and Provincial Assemblies have the practices and/or resources in place to promote GESI/LNOB and human rights principles; 
  • Output 4: Federal Parliament & PAs have established routine constituent engagement as part of their decision-making processes.

Gender & Social Inclusion Component

  • 180 MPs (73% women) strengthened their skills in leadership, inclusive lawmaking, communications, negotiations and media relations through experience sharing and skill enhancement programs.
  • 97 new MPs (89% women) from seven PAs participated in a tailored mentoring program which offered them personalized guidance and support from experienced former MPs and thematic experts.
  • 64 MPs and 112 federal and provincial secretariat staff enhanced their understanding of gender and human rights impact analysis through orientations on GESI and human rights impact analysis.
  • Over 50 % of the project's budget is allocated for GESI related interventions.                                                                 

Related Materials


Project details:

Project StatusActive
Project Period

January 2018- December 2022 (Phase I)

January 2023- December 2027 (Phase II)

Project ID00049635
Focus AreaDemocratic Governance
Source of FundingGovernment of Norway and UNDP
Implementing AgencyUNDP
Collaborating PartnersFederal Parliament and seven Provincial Assemblies
BudgetUS$ 5.0 m



ContactCO Focal Point

Ms. Kalpana Sarkar
Portfolio Manager
UNDP Nepal
UN House, Pulchowk, Nepal
Tel: 977-4290000
Email: kalpana.sarkar@undp.org

Project Focal Point

Mr. Dila Datt Pant
National Project Manager
Parliament Support Project, UNDP
Kiran Bhawan Marg, House # 135/42
Sanepa, Lalitpur, Nepal
Tel: 977-01-5413055/6
Email: dila.pant@undp.org