Accountability systems/mechanisms crucial for effective realization of human rights

December 12, 2022

Thank you for your invitation to represent United Nations and share few words on this very special day. A day to celebrate universal values, common set of standards, collective achievements and hard labor that spanned for 73 years; to protect and promote fundamental rights here and elsewhere. A day to salute those who lost lives while defending these fundamental freedoms and rights. 

Human Rights, as we know are central to peace, security, and development. That is why, responding to the calls of the UN SG for action for Human Rights, all UN programmes, funds, specialized agencies, bodies entities commit to mainstream our Human Rights in our work, to have a common understanding and framework to deliver our programmes on the ground. HRBA

As such, our programmes, cooperation, policies, technical assistance further the realization of the human rights as per the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)and other treaties and instruments. Human Rights standards guide our work; Capacity development tools and investments to target both duty bearers and right holders and we value every opportunity to engage, protect, promote human rights. 

On behalf UN agencies working in Nepal and my own, I also want congratulate Nepal for being at the Rendez vous this year too. 

  • A year we appreciate Nepal for holding 2 rounds of election successfully with encouraging participation in the voting exercise; 

I also congratulate 

  • tremendous work in introducing numbers of significant normative frameworks, to implement the provisions that the world community unanimously adopted in 1948. For the ratifying numbers of human rights treaties and passing over dozens of laws in response to protect, respect and fulfill human rights of people. 
  • Instituting a constitution with numbers of human rights as the fundamental rights 
  • For setting up several institutions as the oversight bodies to overlook its effective implementation.
  • With the reelection as the member of Human Rights Council, for making voluntary pledges on full realization of human rights at home and abroad, including through cooperation with the UN Human Rights Mechanisms. 
  • For taking regular and consistent steps to accept Nepal (has accepted 196 and noted 37) UPR recommendations out of 233 about diverse human rights issues such as rights of minorities, indigenous people, human rights defenders, women and girls, protection of civic space etc. through the third review cycle which took place on 21 January 2021..
  • For the draft National Action Plan that was made in a consultative manner for coordinated implementation. That we urge the government to adopt the Action Plan.
  • Commitment to deliver transitional justice process that addresses truth, justice, reparation and institutional reform for conflict related human rights issues. This commitment has been expressed when engaging with the UN Human Rights Mechanisms such as Universal Periodic Review, treaty bodies and Special Procedures. 
  • Political desire earlier this year to amend the law on truth and reconciliation as well as enforced disappearance; We encourage the Government of Nepal to build on the current momentum and prioritize a holistic, victim-centric, nationally owned transitional justice process in Nepal. We are hopeful that the strong commitment and political leadership to ensure a successful transitional justice process in line with international norms and standards and one which supports Nepal’s sustainable peace and development. 
  • Besides, as we mark the day of 16 days campaign against Violence Against Women, we are encouraged to see that Nepal is taking necessary steps such as amending laws on criminalizing community mediation on rape cases, adopting legislation to regularize and criminalize acid attacks etc. to combat and end all forms of discriminations, exclusions and abuses based on gender, caste, ethnicity, and all other forms. 

We would stand ready to work more together to implement the frameworks developed and legislations passed. To support transformation from commitment to action to changed behavior. As behavioral change at personal and institutional level is imperative to change and society, community, and country as well. 

Accountability systems/mechanisms are important tools for effective realization of human rights. Our agencies are at your service to support the oversight bodies established to independently look after human rights situation in the country and make recommendations to the Government needs and increase public confidence.

We are committed to providing any support required so that the government ensure that the formation of the National Human Rights Institutions to increase public trust and credibility should ensure inclusiveness, independence as well as impartiality. Leading to ensure full compliance of NHRC Nepal with Paris Principle to retain its “A” status, including by guaranteeing functional and financial independence. 

The coordination among all the actors and contributors established as per the constitution is a must. Nepal has established six thematic commissions and has a parliamentary oversight committee in place along with strong judiciary, which are the key stakeholders in making government accountable towards human rights. The integrated approach in terms of functions in this regard, could play a significant role to advance the human rights in particular socio-economic as well as rights of women and marginalized groups in Nepal.

Making socio-economic and rights for various groups, children, youth, migrants, women, Dalits and other marginalized groups, there is a huge role of sub-national governments. The federal government has already passed dozens of laws and for implementation, the oversights bodies like NHRCs and its Provincial offices play a huge role.

Government of Nepal’s pan to have a separate plan of action on business and human rights (B+HR) will increase trust and the accountability measures for the private sectors towards human rights.

In brief UDHR is the global blueprint that provide premise to   I/N/L laws and policies and bedrock for the Agenda 2030 on SDGs. This means that the economic models we invest in, society we are part of, and future of the unborn all should be just and equal, bestow freedom and dignity which is the theme of the International Human Rights Day 2022. 

I wish you all meaningful international Human Rights Day 2022