UNDP supports cyclone-affected families with resilient housing and community infrastructure

Skills trainings and constructions follow the 'building back better' approach to build resilience to future disasters. [Last updated on 22 July 2021]

December 17, 2019
UNDP's resilient housing and community infrastructure projects were set up to assist people displaced and resettled by natural disasters. The projects are conducted in the scope of UNDP Recovery Facility, a multi-donor programme set to fast-track recovery and reconstruction efforts after 2019 cyclones in Mozambique.

Shortly after the cyclones Idai and Kenneth in Mozambique in 2019, UNDP set up the Mozambique Recovery Facility – a five-year programme in a multi-partner basket fund supported by the Canada, China, the European Union, India, Finland, the Netherlands, Norway and UNDP core resources.

UNDP Recovery Facility deploys both short and long-term recovery activities in cyclone-affected provinces, while it also aims to address underlying vulnerabilities and to build resilience to future disasters. It has three important pillars: (1) help the communities rebuild their livelihoods, especially women and vulnerable groups; (2) rebuild housing and community infrastructure; and (3) develop national capacities and systems to plan and implement the recovery and resilience program.

It is within this framework that UNDP has supported skills trainings and constructions of resilient housing and community infrastructure.

Houses under construction in Mutua resettlement neighborhood, Dondo district. Each house has a roof-covered area of 34 m2 and follow the 'evolutionary housing model' where households can expand the structure or develop new functions for the rooms in the future, according to their needs and preferences. Photo by UNDP/Brenda Hada

To help build resilience of vulnerable communities in Sofala province, UNDP Recovery Facility strategized a construction project of  1,100 houses and 18 public buildings in 2020. At least 20,000 people will benefit from this on-going constructions.

The community infrastructure includes schools, markets and other public buildings constructed/rehabilitated to restore essential services and houses built/rehabilitated following the build back better approach where resilient construction techniques are applied to ensure durable infrastructure that can withstands natural disasters and might serve as shelter for communities.

In Beira city, Samora Machel Secondary School under reconstruction through UNDP Recovery Facility. Photo by GREPOC/Délcio Mucombo

A market constructed through UNDP Recovery Facility, in Savane resettlement neighborhood, Dondo district. Photo by UNDP/Brenda Hada

Construction team analyses resilience aspects in the houses built by UNDP Recovery Facility, in Mutua resettlement neighborhood. Photo by UNDP/Brenda Hada

Particularly in the housing projects, local bricklayers and artisans are trained on resilient construction techniques under the supervision of engineers and technicians. Through the reinforced roof and window connections applied by them, the houses gain the necessary resilience to endure climate shocks while they experience building better adapted houses.

The participation of other community members in the constructions includes unskilled temporary work, such as water collection and meal preparation, to ensure an additional source of income to the community and the social cohesion among neighbors.

Communities displaced by cyclones learn how to build resilient houses
The Resilient Housing Project included practical and theoretical skills trainings to local masons and artisans living in resettlement neighborhoods in 2019.