UNDP in Cambodia
Partnerships are at the centre of all aspects of our work. Our partners include host governments, donors, the United Nations system, international financial institutions, bilateral agencies, municipalities, the private sector, foundations, civil society and the media.
UNDP benefits from its global presence in nearly 170 countries to bring together actors from a variety of backgrounds to share expertise, explore joint ventures and develop solutions for global and national development challenges. UNDP’s analysis and experience is highlighting where interventions are likely to have the greatest impact, while also ensuring that all action is adapted to each country’s context.
Implementation of the country programme for 2019-2023 will rely on the continued strong partnership with the Government and local authorities, including cost-sharing. A number of UNDP projects are implemented nationally, under the direction of the Government and in partnership with relevant national authorities.
UNDP engages with civil society organizations (CSOs) at all levels to support people in their efforts to build a better life. Substantive partnership with CSOs is of greater strategic importance than ever given the integral role of civil society actors in development.
UNDP promotes regional cooperation, aiming for the transfer of technology and skills, beyond knowledge-sharing to lasting partnerships and concrete results that change people’s lives; achievements in promoting innovation, confidence-building and advancing renewable energy use have already been shared through UNDP networks.
The private sector can make an important contribution to development by fostering innovation, providing funding and promoting entrepreneurship. UNDP will continue engaging private sector for solving public issues through social innovation.
Building on successful Delivering as One mechanisms and the expertise of United Nations partners, UNDP supports the activities of the United Nations system are well coordinated and complementary.
The diversity of donors contributing to our programmes as well as the substantial resources channeled through UNDP programmes confirms once again the vote of confidence of the national government and the international and local community in UNDP’s role and effectiveness in the area of sustainable development.
Key Government Partners
- Cambodian Mine Action and Victim Assistance Authority
- Cambodian Rehabilitation and Development Board
- Disability Action Council (DAC)
- Kampuchea Institute of Certified Public Accountants and Auditors (KICPAA)
- Khmer Enterprise (Ministry of Economy and Finance)
- Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries
- Ministry of Civil Service
- Ministry of Commerce
- Ministry of Economy and Finance
- Ministry of Environment
- Ministry of Health
- Ministry of Interior
- Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training
- Ministry of Mines and Energy
- Ministry of Planning
- Ministry of Public Works and Transport
- Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation (MoSVY)
- Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology
- Ministry of Women's Affairs
- National Council for Sustainable Development
- National Committee for Sub-national Democratic Development (NCDD-S)
- National Employment Agency
- National Accounting Council
- National Institute of Posts, Telecoms and ICT
Bilateral and Trilateral Agencies
- Australian Embassy in Cambodia
- British Embassy in Cambodia
- European Commission
- Embassy of Canada in Cambodia (Office)
- Embassy of Japan
- Embassy of Sweden in Cambodia
- Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Cambodia
- Embassy of the Russia Federation in Cambodia
- Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF)
- Global Environment Fund (GEF)
- Government of Netherlands
- Government of Norway
- International Labour Organization (ILO)
- Korea's Ministry of Agriculture Food and Rural Affairs
- New Zealand Embassy
- United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
- World Bank
Private Sector
- 3E-Fii Group
- 4PX Worldwide Express
- Grab Taxi Pte Ltd
- Phnom Penh Special Economic Zone (PPSEZ)
- Smart Axiata
- WorldBridge Group
UN Agencies
Local and International NGO parters
- Archaeology and Development Foundation (ADF)
- Cambodian Disabled People’s Organization (CDPO)
- Conservation International
- EnergyLab
Academic institution partners
UNDP and the UN
The United Nations Development Programme has been in Cambodia over 50 years, operating from 1958 to 1975, resuming in a limited capacity in 1980 contributing to emergency relief operations, and formally establishing its offices in Phnom Penh in 1994 with the signature of the Standard Basic Assistance Agreement (SBAA).
UNDP is one of 23 UN agencies, funds and programmes operating in Cambodia under the umbrella of the UN Resident Coordinator system, which works to ensure that UN activities complement each other and do not overlap. The overarching aim of UNDP’s work is supporting progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). All our activities are done in close collaboration with the Government under the UN Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF 2016 – 2018), which is aligned to the Rectangular Strategy for Growth, Employment, Equity and Efficiency Phase III and the National Strategic Development Plan (NSDP 2014 – 2018) across the following three areas of national priority:
- By 2018, people living in Cambodia, in particular youth, women and vulnerable groups, are enabled to actively participate in and benefit equitably from growth and development that is sustainable and does not compromise the well-being, natural and cultural resources of future generations.
- By 2018, more people, especially vulnerable, poor and marginalized groups are equitably benefiting from and contributing to affordable, sustainable and quality social services and protection and have gained enhanced skills to achieve and contribute to social and human development.
- By 2018, national and sub-national institutions are more transparent and accountable for key public sector reforms and rule of law, are more responsive to the inequalities in the enjoyment of human rights of all people living in Cambodia, and increase civic participation in democratic decision-making.
UN agencies in the country
In Cambodia, there are 23 United Nations Agencies. The followings are their names and links.
- UN Women
- World Bank