Improving Resilience to Floods in the Polog Region

Project summary

The project’s ambitious goal is to instigate transformational change in managing flood risk in the region, accelerating the shift from purely reactive responses to floods to integrated systems to manage hazards, vulnerabilities and exposure of communities and assets to prevent/mitigate losses and alleviate the impact of future floods.



The project aims to substantively support achieving: a) an improved knowledge of region’s flood risk, causes and appropriate responses among authorities and other stakeholders; b) an inclusive approach to flood risk management planning in line with EU legislation that is sensitive to the specific needs of different vulnerable social groups; c) a better preparedness for flood risks and strengthened recovery capacity thanks to improved governance; d) progress toward flood risk-based urban and economic development; e) a reduction in the adverse consequences of future floods in high-risk areas through the repair or construction, as demonstration projects, of flood control infrastructure in line with contemporary approaches and techniques; f) creation of a flash-flood early warning and public-alert system; and g) progress in the adoption of the objectives and principles of the EU Floods Directive and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction.

Expected Results

- Improved understanding of flood risks in the Polog region and the capacity to manage them in an informed manner

- Enhanced disaster preparedness of institutions and communities in the Polog region for effective response, recovery, rehabilitation and reconstruction

- Implementation of priority flood risk mitigation measures informed by international best practices to effectively reduce future risks in the Polog region

- Improvement of the national legal and regulatory framework for disaster risk reduction in line with the Sendai Framework and the EU Floods Directive and conceptualization of risk financing and risk transfer mechanisms