UNDP The Gambia
Environment and resilience development
UNDP will support the application of evidence-based policymaking for increased resilience; improved absorptive, adaptive and transformative capacities of at-risk communities; and the establishment of appropriate, coordinated and timely responses to risks and shocks. UNDP will lead the climate change and resilience-building agenda while forging effective partnerships within national and international frameworks.39 The support will enable the Government to implement the national climate change policy, 2015, and the Paris Agreement reached at the twenty-first session of the Conference of the Parties, and promote natural resources management and the roll-out of the Sustainable Energy for All initiative, the disaster risk reduction policy and strategy, 2014-2017, and the renewable energy policy. UNDP will strengthen national capacity to assess, respond to and coordinate disaster and climate risk management. The programme will support implementation of the national biodiversity strategy and action plan, and strengthen protected areas management, sustainable use of natural resources and reforestation of degraded lands through the land use policy.
UNDP will support the mainstreaming into development plans of low emissions, climate resilience, risk assessment and management; development of early warning systems; and implementation of priority mitigation and adaptation measures to reduce vulnerability across key sectors. UNDP support will enhance the effectiveness of post-disaster recovery; the rehabilitation of degraded ecosystems and watering points; and construction of climate-resilient infrastructure. The development of a climate readiness plan will be critical for resource mobilization. UNDP will introduce innovative production techniques linked to agricultural value chains to facilitate local communities’
adaptation to climate change. The programme will engage the private sector in issues of natural resources management.
UNDP will provide catalytic support to assist the Gambia in accessing the Green Climate Fund and the Global Environment Facility (GEF) to implement its national obligations,40 while strengthening dialogue and exploring funding opportunities with Qatar, the European Commission and the Government of Japan. South-South and triangular cooperation will be explored for community-based poverty reduction, renewable energy and a green economy. The pillar will contribute to the attainment of sustainable development goals 12, 13, 15 and 17. 24. Building on the experience gained during the Millennium Development Goals period, and leveraging its leading role in the Development Partners’ Group, UNDP will strategically support the roll-out of the sustainable development goals,41 working with the Government, civil society organizations, the private sector, United Nations organizations and development partners.