Viet Nam National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Development and Operationalisation Support Project
This project supports the Government of Viet Nam’s vision to strengthen its capability to effectively integrate climate change adaptation into the government’s administration processes in priority sectors. These processes encompass policy formulation, development planning, budgeting, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation. The project is designed in two phases. The first phase aims to complete the upstream work, background studies, tools and guidelines, preliminary project pipeline, and capacity building in order to deliver the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) of Vietnam. The participatory and result based monitoring and evaluation (M&E) framework and necessary capacity building support will also be completed in the first phase. Based on successful implementation of the first phase, the second phase of the project will be designed focusing on the implementation of the NAP, adaptation mainstreaming, M&E framework and a preparation of a financing strategy including detailed concept notes of high priority adaptation projects.
Project's outcomes
Outcome 1: Capacity for data integration enhanced and National Adaptation Plan (NAP) prepared and aligned with the NDC review 2
Outcome 2: National adaptation plan and climate change adaptation integrated into national, subnational, and sectoral development plans and budget of priority sectors with private sector participation
Outcome 3: Participatory results-based monitoring and evaluation mechanism developed and operationalized.
Key results achieved
During its two-year implementation period, the NAP-Sup project has delivered significant results, drafting, and submitting various policies, laying the groundwork, and building a strong implementation foundation for climate change adaptation in Viet Nam.
The National Adaptation Plan report (NAP Report) has been developed. It sets out national prioritized measures until 2030 to reduce vulnerability and enhance the resilience of communities, economic sectors, and ecosystems, to the impacts of climate change. It also communicates the potential long-term climate loss and damage that Viet Nam is unlikely to adapt to through national efforts solely. As a milestone in the NAP process, Vietnam is planning to submit its “Technical report on the climate change national adaptation plan” to the UNFCCC shortly.
A NAP portal has been developed and launched which provides comprehensive climate change related information on policies and programs, vulnerability and risk maps, adaptation data and M&E reporting mechanism. Hosted by the Department of Climate Change (DCC) of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE), the portal will serve as the climate change adaptation platform with regularly updated information from the government system as well as other official channels including international organizations and NGOs.
Besides, there are many other critical guidelines and reports developed. They are:
- Circular No. 01/2022/TT-BTNMT dated January 7, 2022, detailing the implementation of the Law on Environmental Protection about responding to climate change. It provides a general methodology the assessment of impacts, risk and vulnerabilities, loss and damages caused by CC, and identification of proposed CCA solutions for all ministries, provinces, and organizations
- Recommendations for integration of climate adaptation solutions into national, sectoral, and local socio-economic development plans in health sector.
- A handbook on classification and coding of public investment expenditures for climate change adaptation;
- Report on barriers and solutions to promote private investment for climate change adaptation in health, agriculture, transportation and natural resources and environment sectors;
- Promulgated national M&E framework for CCA activities (Decision No.148/2022/QD-TTg dated January 28th 2022).
- Promulgated M&E indicators on climate change adaptation for agriculture sector (Decision No. 3442/QD-BNN-KH dated September 12, 2022) and recommended for health, transportation, planning and investment, and natural resources and environment sectors
- Criteria for determining priority projects in agriculture and transportation sectors;
- Updated the set of indicators to assess vulnerability and adaptability for transportation and health sectors:
- A guideline on integrating climate change in the health sector was developed and introduced to the provinces in 2022, to assess vulnerability and risks
- Barriers to private sector investment in climate change adaptation activities and measures to increase private sector participation in CCA work. - A Background Report Mainstreaming Gender into the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Process of Viet Nam.
- Guidance notes for five prioritized sectors (health, transportation, natural resources and environment, planning and investment, and agriculture).
- 63 Departments and related agencies and businesses, Women's Unions, Farmers' Unions... have been trained on toolkits to provide more knowledge, means of adaptation to climate change and able to apply these guidelines.