Advancing Climate Resilience of the Water Sector in Bhutan
Project Facts
Title: Advancing Climate Resilience of the Water Sector in Bhutan
Duration: 60 months (2023 - 2028)
Budget: GEF LDCF/UNDP: USD 8,932,420 + USD 100,000 and Government Co-Finance: USD 25,032,00
Location: Gasa, Punakha and Tsirang
Implementing Partner: Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport
Bhutan is highly vulnerable to climate change and climate induced hazards. One of the key impact of climate change has been shortage of water as well as declining water quality. This twin challenge has a direct bearing on livelihoods, food production and human health, exacerbating existing vulnerabilities and inequalities. The communities that rely on the renewable natural resources (RNR) sector, particularly those dependent on forest resources, remain among the hardest hit.
The objective of this project is to enhance the resilience and sustainable economic well-being of the people of Bhutan by supporting climate adaptation interventions in the water sector to enhance climate resilience of water resources. This will be achieved through catchment restoration and management, “climate-proofing” of water infrastructure for rural and peri-urban areas and enhancing institutional capacities in local government and communities for operation, maintenance and management of these catchments and water infrastructure.
The project will be implemented in three Dzongkhags of Gasa, Punakha and Tsriang, which fall under the most climate vulnerable regions of the country.
Project Component
Component 1: Water governance and institutions
Component 2: Nature-based solutions for sustainable & climate- resilient
watersheds livelihood enhancement
Component 3: Efficient, adequate, and sustainable supply, distribution, and
utilization of water
Component 4: Knowledge management
Project Targets
- 19,391 people (almost half of them women) will have assured access to irrigation and domestic water through climate-proofing and enhancement of water infrastructure.
- 41,910 hectares of land will be restored/brought under climate-resilient management.
- 38,518 hectares of watersheds will be restored and protected.
- 3,392 hectares of agricultural land will be brought under climate-resilient practices including adoption of climate smart agricultural technologies.
- 74 kilometers of water transmission and distribution lines will be “climate-proofed” and automated with Internet of Things (IoT) and ICT based technologies.
Knowledge product and awareness on water resource management.
Sustainable Development Goals
The project will contribute to the achievement of the following SDGs:
SDG 1: No Poverty
SDG 5: Gender Equality
SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation
SDG 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
SDG 13: Climate Action
SDG 15: Life on Land