Public call for judges and prosecutors in Bosnia and Herzegovina

July 10, 2024
Javni poziv eko pravda

UNDP Bosnia and Herzegovina Announces Public call for judges and prosecutors in Bosnia and Herzegovina for participation in European environmental law knowledge transfer and case law exchange with european forum of judges/prosecutors for the environment - study trip to Brussels, Belgium.

This public call is open to judges and prosecutors in criminal law departments in Bosnia and Herzegovina who fulfill the required criteria and have demonstrated interest to participate in the knowledge transfer and case law exchange envisaged under this Public Call.

The aim of this initiative is to strengthen knowledge of judges and prosecutors in Bosnia and Herzegovina of the European environmental law, and particularly protection of the environmental through criminal matters.

Participation in this program aims to include 8 judges and prosecutors.

More information about the public call and application requirements can be found:


All participation costs will be borne by UNDP in BiH.

The deadline for submitting applications is: July, 31st 2024.

All applications must be submitted by email to with the subject line "Application for participation in “European Environmental Law knowledge transfer and case law exchange".

All inquiries regarding this Public Call must be submitted exclusively via email, no later than 2 days before the deadline for submitting applications, clearly indicating the title of the Call in the subject line, to the following email address: to