Pioneering Tanzania's Blue Economy with Sustainable Innovation

July 1, 2024
a man standing next to a body of water

A beneficiary of Healthy Seaweed Co. plants seaweed in shallow water, tying it to ropes secured on sticks. The seaweed will be ready for harvest in 45 days.

Tanzania's rich coastline offers vast potential in the seaweed economy, and Healthy Seaweed Co. Ltd is leading the way. As an investee under UNDP’s FUNGUO Innovation Programme with support from EU and UK Government, the company is not only innovating but also contributing to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Embracing the blue economy concept endorsed by the United Nations, which promotes the sustainable use of ocean resources for economic growth, improved livelihoods, and environmental conservation, Healthy Seaweed Co. Ltd is a key player in Tanzania's seaweed industry. With the support from the FUNGUO program, the company thrives sustainably, tapping into the vast potential of this marine resource while ensuring sustainable practices.

Healthy Seaweed Co. Ltd's initiative aligns with several SDGs, particularly SDG 14 (Life Below Water), by promoting   the conservation and sustainable use of marine resources. Their responsible seaweed farming practices address environmental concerns and support marine ecosystems longevity.

Additionally, the company contributes to SDG 1 (No Poverty) and SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth) by creating economic opportunities for coastal communities. Training programs, employment opportunities, and fairtrade practices empower local residents and help alleviate. The company continuously explores innovative and eco-friendly seaweed farming techniques, minimizing environmental impact while demonstrating how businesses can thrive and safeguard marine ecosystems.

Healthy Seaweed Co. Ltd exemplifies how aligning business goals with sustainable development can drive positive change. Through the UNDP FUNGUO program and commitment to the blue economy, the company advances its interests and contributes significantly to Tanzania's development goals. As it continues to flourish, the company showcases the potential for responsible business practices to create a more sustainable and prosperous future.