Training on Universal Design and Accessible Environment empowers people with disabilities in Kyrgyzstan

August 15, 2024
a group of people sitting at a desk

Bishkek, 14 August 2024 – On August 13–14, the workshop on “Universal Design, Accessible Environment, and Reasonable Accommodations” was conducted in the framework of the UNPRPD project on “Advancing the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Kyrgyzstan," implemented by UNDP, UNICEF, and UNFPA under coordination by the UN in Kyrgyzstan.

The aim of this workshop is to raise awareness among representatives from the Council for persons with disabilities state agencies, public organizations, and communities of persons with disabilities about the concept of universal design and accessibility in order to build an inclusive society. We discussed how to promote and create a society where people with different disabilities will participate fully and independently.

This training is a part of a broader series that address critical topics such as gender equality, strategic planning, resource mobilization, and monitoring disability data. Participants explored various facets of accessibility, including physical infrastructure, transport, goods and services, information and communication, while also discussing the implementation of state policy and international standards related to accessibility.

Jyldyz Polotova, Minister of Labor, Social Welfare and Migration of the Kyrgyz Republic, noted that the joint efforts of the government and UNDP contribute to the promotion of an inclusive society in the country: “Previously, with UNDP support, we have already implemented a project on access to justice for people with disabilities. As a continuation of that work, this project will take new measures to create an accessible environment for people with disabilities”.

Tolkunbek Isakov, Deputy Chairman of the Council for Persons with Disabilities under the Cabinet of Ministers in the Kyrgyz Republic, shared that at the June meeting of the Council the issue of accessibility of infrastructure and public transportation was considered. Several comments of systemic changes were voiced, all of which are in the process of being implemented.

At the training he emphasized the importance of the accessible environment as one of the components of an inclusive society. “If even if there is appropriate funding, favorable legislation and kind attitude to people with disabilities, without an accessible environment, all of the above will no longer be needed,” - said Tolkunbek Isakov.

UNDP in Kyrgyzstan actively supports the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, ratified by Kyrgyzstan in 2019. Article 9 of the Convention states that States Parties to the Convention undertake to ensure an accessible environment for people with different disabilities, including buildings, roads, transport, public facilities such as schools, residential buildings, health care facilities and workplaces, as well as information, communication and other services, including electronic and emergency services.

The creation of an accessible environment would enable people with disabilities to lead independent lives and participate fully in all aspects of life: political, social, economic, cultural, sporting, recreational and other spheres. 

“UNDP in Kyrgyzstan will continue to support capacity development of all stakeholders in the implementation of the Convention, including inclusion of disability issues in the national adaptation plan on climate change, support to revision of legislation in accordance with the Convention norms, in the area of employment of people with disabilities, universal design, accessible environment and reasonable accommodations. If all involved parties understand what principles and standards need to be introduced in the field of accessibility, as well as monitor compliance, then an inclusive society for all can be created more quickly.” – said Alexandra Solovieva, UNDP Resident Representative.

The project “Advancing the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Kyrgyzstan,” is implemented by three UN agencies: UNDP, UNICEF, and UNFPA, under the overall leadership of the UN system in Kyrgyzstan and with the support of the UN Partnership for the Promotion of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNPRPD).