Man and woman standing


UNDP’s Social and Environmental Standards (SES) underpin our commitment to mainstream social and environmental sustainability across all our Programmes and Projects. Redress and Response Mechanisms are integral parts of UNDP’s accountability architecture that help us to ensure individuals, and communities affected by UNDP projects have access to appropriate channels and procedures for providing feedback, holding dialogue and addressing grievances.

The new Stakeholder Response Mechanism (SRM) for the Lao PDR CO.  The SRM, a requirement for every UNDP office, is designed to facilitate the CO to receive and address grievances, issues of concern or complaints from stakeholders on impacts from UNDP-projects. The SRM is complementary to project-level Grievance Redress Mechanisms – (GRM) (required for all projects with an overall risk category of Moderate or above) and other existing channels in place.

Additionally, there is a dedicated email,, for stakeholders to file questions, issues, or complaints. It will be important that all our stakeholders and beneficiaries are able to access needed support, and for us as UNDP to remain open, transparent and accountable to receiving feedback and advice, ensuring that our efforts to do good, do not inadvertently cause harm.

You may also submit requests via our telephone, post, or social media applications as below:

By phone: Tel: +856 (0) 21 267 777 Fax: +856 (0) 21 267 799

By post: Lane Xang Avenue P.O Box 345, Vientiane, Lao PDR 

By social media apps: