Pre-COP29 Regional Conference: “Adaptation Planning and Financing in Central Asia: The Road to COP29”

September 26, 2024

Bishkek, 26 September 2024 – On September 25-26, 2024, in preparation for the 29th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP29), the Ministry of Natural Resources, Ecology and Technical Supervision of the Kyrgyz Republic, together with UNDP, held a regional conference on adaptation planning and climate finance. 

This event became an important platform for discussing key issues of regional cooperation aimed at strengthening the efforts of Central Asian countries in combating climate challenges. One of the main objectives of the conference wasto discuss the common vision and positions of the Central Asian countries before the key negotiations to be held in November 2024 in Azerbaijan, Baku.

a person standing in front of a mic and giving her speech

Alexandra Solovieva during her opening speech

UNDP / Kyrgyzstan

Based on the results of the UN Global Inventory on Climate Change 2023, the UNFCCC called on all countries to develop and implement national adaptation plans by the end of 2025, and to make significant progress in their implementation by 2030 under the Paris Agreement. Central Asian countries such as Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan are at various stages of developing their national adaptation plans. At this conference, it was noted that the priority areas of adaptation for the region are agriculture, energy, construction, health, tourism, biodiversity, emergency response, etc.


“Strengthening regional cooperation and collaboration on climate change adaptation will help strengthen the position of Central Asian countries, highlighting our solidarity and shared commitment to addressing climate challenges,” said Alexandra Solovieva, UNDP Resident Representative in the Kyrgyz Republic. 


a person wearing a suit and tie, giving his speech in front of a mic

Edil Baisalov during his opening speech

UNDP / Kyrgyzstan

“As climate change worsens, effective national and regional adaptation plans are essential for communities. However, these plans need sufficient financial resources. COP29 offers a crucial opportunity to prioritize adaptation and secure funding.” – said Antje Grawe, UN Resident Coordinator in the Kyrgyz Republic.

Regional climate risks are becoming increasingly apparent in Central Asia, where climate change is already having a significant impact on socio-economic development. According to the representative of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic, Central Asia faces cross-border climate risks due to its geographical location, which requires joint actions and coordination at the regional level. 

Meder Mashiev, Minister of Natural Resources, Ecology and Technical Supervision, said: “We are finalizing the National Adaptation Plan, which includes detailed sectoral adaptation plans to ensure that our economy, agriculture, water resources and population are prepared for the impacts of climate change. This plan is vital for Kyrgyzstan, where mountain ecosystems are particularly vulnerable.” 

“We must demand action – coordinated, well-funded and global. Adaptation and resilience are key to our survival,” - said Edil Baisalov, Deputy Chair Cabinet of Ministers. 

Dinara Ashimova, Member of Parliament: “We need to ensure that financing mechanisms are in place to support adaptation measures in agriculture, water management, and disaster risk reduction.”

a group of people sitting in chairs

Participants of the Pre-COP29 Regional Conference

UNDP / Kyrgyzstan

The conference brought together representatives of five Central Asian countries, international organizations, and world experts. Participants included UNFCCC national contact persons, representatives of international climate finance, experts on adaptation and climate finance from various ministries and national institutions, as well as representatives of civil society. The event was also attended by global experts from international organizations and independentх technicalх experts.

The conference became a platform for sharing experiences and discussing climate finance opportunities at the national, regional, and global levels. One of the key objectives of the event was to build a common Central Asian position ahead of the COP29 negotiations, which will focus on The New Collective Quantitative Financing Goal (NCQG)and strengthening transparency.

The Conference emphasized the importance of financial mechanisms for achieving climate goals, as well as adaptation actions that will be crucial for the sustainable development of Central Asian countries in a changing climate.

For reference purposes

The project “Advancing the process of developing a National Adaptation Plan (NAP) for medium-and long-term planning and implementation of climate change adaptation measures in the Kyrgyz Republic” is implemented by UNDP in Kyrgyzstan with financial support the United Nations Climate Fund. 

For more information, please contact Ainagul Abdrakhmanova, Head of Communications, UNDP by mail or by phone: 0770 755776.