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Regional Business and Human Rights Forums and Dialogues

To promote collective stakeholder action for advancing the implementation of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs), UNDP and its partners convene regional forums and dialogues.  

Regional forums and dialogues on business and human rights are informed by outcomes of national forums and dialogues convened by UNDP and its partners at the country level.

Insights and recommendations generated during regional forums and dialogues on business and human rights contribute to region-specific sessions at the UN Annual Forum on Business and Human Rights


  • Raise awareness of governments’ duties and businesses’ responsibilities under the UNGPs
  • Raise awareness of global and regional trends in the implementation of the UNGPs, including on business and human rights regulatory measures and their potential regional impacts
  • Take stock of the progress, challenges, and opportunities for advancing the implementation of the UNGPs across the region and generate recommendations for its acceleration
  • Promote policy coherence on responsible business practices at national and regional levels
  • Establish a multi-stakeholder network to facilitate South-South and North-South exchanges, peer learning, and collaboration on business and human rights
  • Provide a safe space for affected rights holders to voice concerns about the adverse impacts of irresponsible business practices on their rights and to participate in policy making
  • Promote UNDP global and regional knowledge products and practical tools on business and human rights, such as the Human Rights Due Diligence Facilitation Guide, Guide for Business on Heightened Human Rights Due Diligence in Conflict-Affected Contexts, Routes to Remedy Toolkit for Human Rights Defenders, and Practical Tool on Human Rights Due Diligence. 

Explore information on upcoming regional forums and dialogues by region. 


    African Business and Human Rights Forum

    3rd African Business and Human Rights Forum

    Dates: 8-10 October 2024 

    Location: Nairobi, Kenya 

    Theme: Promoting Responsible Business Conduct in a Rapidly Changing Context

    Co-organizers: UNDP, African Union, OHCHR, UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights, UNICEF

    Supported by: Government of the Netherlands, Government of the United Kingdom

    Forum website and registration: www.bhrafricaforum.org 

    Inaugural Business and Human Rights Dialogue in the Arab States Region 

    Dates: 28-30 October 2024 

    Location: Doha, Qatar

    Theme: Charting the Course for Responsible Business Practices in the Arab States Region

    Co-organizers: UNDP, Arab Network for National Human Rights Institutions, Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions, Qatar’s National Human Rights Committee, OHCHR, UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights

    Supported by: Government of the Netherlands

    Forum website and registration: https://www.bhr-arabstates.com


    UN Responsible Business and Human Rights Forum, Asia-Pacific

    6th UN Responsible Business and Human Rights Forum, Asia-Pacific 

    Dates: 24-27 September 2024 

    Location: Bangkok, Thailand 

    Theme: The Remedy Blueprint: Bridging Gaps and Accelerating Access

    Co-organizers: UNDP, ILO, IOM, OHCHR, UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights, UN-Women, UNEP, UNICEF

    Supported by: Governments of Sweden, Japan and the European Union

    Forum website and registration: www.rbhrforum.com 


    UN South Asia Forum on Business and Human Rights

    5th UN South Asia Forum on Business and Human Rights 

    Dates: 2025 

    Forum website: www.safbhr.com

    4th UN Regional Forum on Business and Human Rights for Europe and Central Asia 

    Dates: 11-12 November 2024

    Location: Budva, Montenegro

    Theme: The EU Policy and Regulatory Impact on Business and Human Rights (TBC)

    Co-organizers: UNDP, UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights

    Supported by: Sweden, Türkiye 

    Forum website and registration: www.businesshumanrights-ecis.com

    Caribbean Business and Human Rights Dialogue

    Dates: 2025