UNDP supports the development of an SDG Investor Map for Sierra Leone

Unearthing new financial opportunities for sustainable development.

July 25, 2023

A rice field in Sierra Leone

UNDP Sierra Leone/Mohamed Kanu

Sierra Leone in 2022, commenced the process of developing an SDG Investor Map, which is a market intelligence tool that makes visible SDG-enabling investment opportunity areas (IOAs). The Investor Map analyses investment themes and business models in emerging markets that are aligned with the national sustainable development needs, government policy priority areas, and investor interest. The SDG Investor Map will make it easier for investors to identify business and investment opportunity areas with the highest impact potential and direct activity and capital to where it is needed most in Sierra Leone.

The government of Sierra Leone is receiving support from UNDP to create the  SDG Investor Map, which aims to equip investors with lucidity, valuable insights, and essential tools to direct their investments towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It is designed to present an array of market-specific investment opportunities that align with the SDGs, facilitating strategic capital deployment for sustainable development endeavors.

It is expected to contribute to the broader Integrated National Financing Framework (INFF) initiative by providing comprehensive market intelligence across the country’s priority sectors where development needs and policy priorities overlap, and where private capital can make a difference to sustainable development.

The SDG Investment Map development 

The SDG Investor Map in Sierra Leone was developed in partnership with the Government of Sierra Leone and relevant ministries and government entities including the Ministry of Planning and Economic Development, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Trade and Industry, National Investment Board, Bank of Sierra Leone etc. with technical support from the UNDP. Through an extensive national and regional consultative process, major policies and research documents relating to the current investment, economic, and development climate of Sierra Leone, were reviewed, and interviews conducted with key stakeholders from the public, development agency, and private sectors, including specifically investors both at the national and regional levels.

Prioritizing key Investment Opportunity Areas and Emerging Investment Opportunity Areas

The SDG Investor Map has prioritised key sectors for investment, and within these key Investment Opportunity Areas (IOAs). These opportunities exist at the intersection of national development needs and policy priorities, with the potential to attract private capital to drive Sierra Leone’s sustainable development. The SDG Investor Map identified  Food and Beverages , Health Care , Renewable Resources Alternative Energy, and Education among the key Investment Opportunity Areas in Sierra Leone.

Download the Sierra Leone SDG Investor Map 

About SDG Impact is a flagship initiative

SDG Impact is a flagship initiative of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) established to accelerate private sector investment and activity towards sustainability and achievement of the SDGs. We sit within UNDP Sustainable Finance Hub and our work is integrated with our sister initiatives working with multiple partners and agencies.





Participants at an SDG Investor Map engagement in Freetown

UNDP Sierra Leone/Janet Dabire