UNDP and Japan contribute to the stabilization of conflict affected communities for a dignified and sustained return of displaced populations in Eastern Equatoria State.

September 4, 2024
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UNDP Resident Representative, Dr Mohamed Abchir, Eastern Equatoria State Governor H.E Louis Lobong Lojore and H.E. Toshio ODAGIRI, the Ambassador of Japan to South Sudan Inaugurating the Special Protection Unit for Police in Magwi County


JUBA—August 31st, 2024 In a vital initiative to promote peace and co-existence in South Sudan, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), with funding from Japan, is working alongside the Government of South Sudan and key national institutions, including the State Ministry of Local Government, the South Sudan National Police Service, and the Ministry of Peacebuilding. This collaboration aims to empower institutions and communities in Magwi County, Eastern Equatoria State, facilitating the safe return and integration of displaced populations with host communities. UNDP’s approach to achieve this goal focuses on enhancing the safety and rights of citizens through improved access to justice, particularly for vulnerable groups and survivors of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV); empowering youth and women to contribute to peace initiatives, as well as strengthening their livelihoods; enhancing the capacity of local government to improve service delivery, and ultimately fostering a more resilient and harmonious society.

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Eastern Equatoria State Governor H.E Louis Lobong Lojore welcomes H.E. Toshio ODAGIRI, the Ambassador of Japan to South Sudan


Enhancing safety and rights of citizens through improved access to justice, particularly for vulnerable groups and survivors of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV). 

Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV) continues to be a serious threat to the safety of women, girls and other vulnerable members of the community and in response, South Sudan National Police Service established a Special Protection Unit (SPU) to provide specialised services to survivors of Gender Based Violence. The Special Protection Unit provides the entry points and paths for victims and witnesses to report crimes at community level. 

UNDP, with funding from Japan, constructed the Special Protection Unit at Obbo, in Magwi County. During the Launch, H.E. Toshio ODAGIRI, the Ambassador of Japan to South Sudan showed his appreciation towards the police officers, social workers, and local community members for their effort in supporting the SGBV survivors and wished that the facility will further enhance collaboration and contribute to the safety of the people in the region.

In his remarks, the UNDP Resident Representative, Dr Mohamed Abchir acknowledged the unwavering collaboration and support from the Government of Eastern Equatoria and the commitment by Japan to promoting peace and development in South Sudan. He reiterated UNDP’s commitment to supporting initiatives aim to consolidate peace, reduce the humanitarian footprint, and support sustainable development in Eastern Equatoria.

The presence of an SPU creates a link between the police and local communities in combatting gender-based violence and responding to the needs of survivors such as referral mechanisms for protection, legal, psycho-social support and medical. These are important protection measures to create a conducive environment for the return and social integration of vulnerable groups.   

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A police officer addressing UNDP Resident Representative, Dr Mohamed Abchir, Eastern Equatoria State Governor H.E Louis Lobong Lojore and H.E. Toshio ODAGIRI, the Ambassador of Japan to South Sudan


Accompanying youth and women for increased contribution to peace initiatives and livelihood strengthening.

An important force driving sustainable reintegration is to promote dialogue, peace and economic recovery in order to break the cycle of displacement. As such, UNDP’s intervention in EES includes support for strengthening peace infrastructures through an increased contribution of youth and women into the work of peace committees and building social cohesion through trauma healing and reconciliation initiatives to enhance trust within communities. Furthermore, UNDP embarked on a ‘’disarming the minds’’ campaign for addressing arms proliferation and instilling a sense of security within returning and hosting communities. Also, returnees often face limited livelihood opportunities impeding their economic recovery. UNDP worked with returnees and host communities to provide access to socio-economic initiatives and build livelihoods that translate into better prospects for lasting peace. 

Drawing on the capacities for peace of youth and women fosters meaningful inclusion essential to break the cycle of violence and support successful socio-economic reintegration.  

a group of people standing in the rain holding an umbrella

UNDP Resident Representative, Dr Mohamed Abchir, Eastern Equatoria State Governor H.E Louis Lobong Lojore and H.E. Toshio ODAGIRI, the Ambassador of Japan to South Sudan


Ensuring local ownership and capacity of local government for enhance service delivery.

Returnees and host communities often require the support of local authorities for ensuring access to basic social services and to incorporate their perspectives into local development policies. UNDP is therefore enhancing the capabilities of the local authorities to support the reintegration process and implement locally developed solutions for economic and social empowerment of returnees and host communities. As such, the Multipurpose Community Training Center in Magwi County, constructed by UNDP with funding from Japan, plays a critical role in fostering local ownership and strengthening the capacity of local government to enhance service delivery. This facility serves as a vital platform for dialogue and conflict resolution, offering training programs designed to equip the community with essential skills in conflict management and peacebuilding. 

These programs aim to empower county and payam administrators by providing them with practical tools for local development planning and budgeting. Additionally, the initiative engages traditional leaders to reinforce community ownership and ensure sustainability. County officials will also be responsible for monitoring the community infrastructure to improve governance and establish effective social accountability mechanisms.

In his remarks, at the launch of the community center, H.E the Ambassador of Japan, Amb. Toshio Odagiri, thanked UNDP for the effort in successfully completing the Multipurpose Community Center and wished that the leaders and stakeholders of this community will make full use of this facility to provide necessary support and resources to the people in need. He thanked Honourable Governor of Easter Equatoria State, Louis Lobong Lojore, the Government of South Sudan, and the state and local leadership for their commitment to the realization of peace in the region. He reaffirmed Japan’s unwavering support for peace, security and development that are essential for the long-term stability and prosperity of this nation.