Climate Finance Handbook to the Thai Parliament

Climate Finance Handbook to the Thai Parliament

November 28, 2023

In 2020, UNDP formally signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Secretariat of the House of Representatives of Thailand to enhance awareness and capacities of parliamentarians and parliament staff to play a significant role in the implementation of the SDGs (SDGs) in Thailand to achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Climate Change is one of the key priorities that the Thai Parliament aim to achieve as part of the Green Parliament Agenda.  

Within United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) ambition of Climate Promise, following the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and Paris Agreement, we support the parliament to accelerate the climate change issue towards the SDGs and engage all sectors to collectively take ambitious climate action by making public spending more transparent and enhancing the flow and interpretation of information on climate spending with its effectiveness and delivery.   

Among several initiatives, UNDP worked closely with the Secretariat of the House of Representatives in developing the Climate Finance Handbook for the Thai Parliament by involving relevant parliamentary staff and committees, in ensuring that the Handbook can effectively support the Thai Parliament on the Climate Change and implementation of the SDGs.