Innovating for Development: Insights from UNDP Accelerator Lab Thailand’s Head of Experimentation – Natthapon Rathie

July 16, 2024
a person standing posing for the camera

1. Tell us about yourself: What’s your educational background/professional experience?  I have been engaged in innovation for seven years, focusing on project management for development challenges and facilitating innovative processes. My educational background in economics and business management has equipped me to approach problems systematically and creatively.

2. What made you apply to work with one of the Labs of UNDP Thailand?The title "Head of Experimentation" intrigued me—it's quite the fancy name! It's fascinating to have a job that involves experimentation outside the typical scientific context.

3. What are your activities or main responsibilities? What is a day at the office like? As Head of Experimentation and Digital Advocate, I constantly ponder, "How can I approach this differently?" and "How can I test this?" Digital technology plays a crucial role in generating insights that guide my work.


4. How does this position benefit your career path/choices within the UN or beyond?It's cliché, but it resonates with Steve Jobs' idea of "connecting the dots." One cannot foresee such job roles in youth; you link past experiences with future possibilities. I focus on excelling today, using it as a stepping stone, uncertain of what innovative opportunities the future holds.

5. Pick one innovation tool (thinking tool) you want to introduce to the public and tell us how it can help design solutions. It's not about fancy apps or tools. I recommend "How might we...?" from the design thinking framework. Positioned between "define challenge" and "ideate," this tool prompts unconventional thinking. For instance, instead of asking how parents can be more aware of nutrition for children aged 0-5, we could explore how these children can receive adequate nutrition independently of parental knowledge.

6. What piece of advice would you give to those who are considering applying to #JoinALifeChangingMission with UNDP.  

Enjoy the process! While you may not find exactly what you're seeking, you might discover something even more valuable.


Photo Courtesy: UNDP Thailand


The Faces of UNDP Thailand is a series to echo the voice of UNDP staff who support UNDP and the community to advance the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Give us 3 words that describe UNDP Thailand: Variety, Optimism, Opportunity
Nuttaphon Rathie, Head of Experimentation