Coconut Oil Dreams: Victor’s Inspiring Rise

Overcoming adversity to build a thriving coconut oil business and empower community

August 12, 2024
a man holding a bottle posing for the camera

Vitor Monteiro, founder of Monte Group

Sonia Fernandes / YEES Project, UNDP Timor-Leste

Victor, the eldest of three siblings, has always felt a deep sense of responsibility towards his family. Furthermore, growing up in a low-income household, he soon understood the hardships and challenges that come with financial insecurity. Determined to change his circumstances, Victor pursued an education in accounting in Indonesia, equipping himself with the skills necessary to manage and grow a business. On this foundation, he started Monte Group, a company focusing on coconut oil products, with the goal of not only uplifting his family but also creating job opportunities for others in his community.

However, starting a business is never easy and Victor’s journey had its share of challenges. Initially, production was entirely manual and the packaging revealed his struggle: poorly wrapped bottles and makeshift stickers made it difficult to stand out in a competitive  market. Moreover, Victor’s only employee was his mother, limiting his ability to scale up.

a close up of a person holding a bottle

Coconut Products, Monte Group

Sonia Fernandes / YEES Project, UNDP Timor-Leste
“With the money I earn from the business, I am now able to pay my siblings' school fees and help the economy of the coconut farmers in my village”.
Vitor Monteiro, Monte Group founder

The turning point came with the support from the Business Innovation Challenge (BIC), part of UNDP’s Youth Employment and Entrepreneurship Skills (YEES) project. The funding allowed Victor to invest in essential equipment, improve product packaging and expand his team to include 12 contract workers, equally divided between men and women.

Since receiving BIC support, Victor's business has seen substantial growth: his income has increased by 75%, he has partnered with 62 resellers across municipalities and has expanded his production capacity to 16,000 pieces annually. Monte Group now offers a diverse range of 100% virgin coconut-oil based products, including coconut cooking oil, virgin coconut oil, and a unique herbal coconut oil named Kompri. Victor reflects on how his business growth has impacted himself and his community, saying, “With the money I earn from the business, I am now able to pay my siblings' school fees and help the economy of the coconut farmers in my village”.

a group of people standing in front of a store

Monte Group team on local products fair

Sonia Fernandes / YEES Project, UNDP Timor-Leste

Technology played a crucial role in Monte Group's success. “Online platforms helped us a lot in promoting our business, allowing us to be more creative in showcasing our products and reach a wider audience”Victor says. To commemorate Monte Group’s  upcoming anniversary, he plans to launch an e-commerce platform that will streamline transactions between resellers and consumers, embracing online payment methods such as Mosan, Tpay, and e-banking.

Victor's journey conveys a powerful message to Timor-Leste’s youth: invest in productive activities, believe in yourself, and strive to make a positive impact. In an era where technology offers many new possibilities, with dedication and hard work, we can achieve our dreams and contribute meaningfully to our communities.

* The Youth Employment and Entrepreneurship Skills (YEES) project, launched in 2022 and funded by KOICA, the Government of Timor-Leste, and UNDP, is dedicated to enhancing youth employability and fostering entrepreneurship, driving sustained economic empowerment across Timor-Leste.