Local Leaders Against Violence

Mane Ho Vizaun Foun (MHVF) training impacts the life of a village's chief and his community

July 22, 2024
Photo of a community group, mostly men, attending a training about Gender Based Violence prevention by CSO in Timor-Leste rural area

Training about Gender Based Violence (GBV) Prevention by Mane Ho Vizaun Foun (MHVF) in a community

UNDP Timor-Leste

CE, a xefe de suku (village's chief) in the administrative post of Pasabe, Oe-Cusse, is entrusted by his community to serve them and protect their rights. In his experience, the most frequently reported cases by the community each week are related to domestic violence, divorce, and early marriage. During all this time, he did not know how to refer the cases or which institutions were entrusted with these sensitive issues. Even more surprising, there were no guidelines on how to support these victims or his community.

This all changed one day when he participated in Mane Ho Vizaun Foun (MHVF) training and was finally able to understand the needs of his community and the importance of his role in this matter. The training significantly improved his knowledge regarding the prevention of Gender Based Violence (GBV) and how to respond to it as a local leader. This especially included how to support his community in the prevention of early marriage.

During this information exchange on GBV prevention, suku dialogue, and child protection, local leaders gained a better understanding of the role these issues play in their communities and how they can take active steps to report sexual assault cases against minors to the Vulnerable Persons' Unit (VPU). These actions were taken by community leaders after they established a suku protection group and completed the training organized by MHVF.

The local leaders also stated that in the future, they are committed to continuing their partnership with MHVF to work on preventing and responding to issues in their community, especially abandonment, divorce, early pregnancy, and domestic violence.

A story by Matteo Barduagni - UNDP Timor-Leste, Together for Equality Project funded by KOICA Timor-Leste