The best Ukrainian enterprises on one site: we invite you to the “Made in Ukraine” Business Forum

September 12, 2024
graphical user interface, website
Illustration: UNDP in Ukraine

On 11-12 October 2024, the largest business event of autumn, “Made in Ukraine” Business Forum, will take place at Mystetskyi Arsenal in Kyiv. Do you have your own business? Do you want to support Ukrainian manufacturers? Or just have a good and useful time? We invite you to join this event!

What awaits you?

More than 80 companies from different parts of Ukraine will present their products and services to thousands of visitors. This is a unique opportunity for entrepreneurs to express themselves, demonstrate their potential and find new ways to grow.

Each participant will receive assistance to create a professional exhibition stand and logistics support. If you believe that your products should be shown to the country, read more about the event and fill out the application form before 6 p.m. on 26 September 2024 at this link.

During the event, representatives of the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine will present the national “Made in Ukraine” policy and will introduce its key directions and tasks in detail to the participants. In particular, they will talk about important components of this initiative, such as supporting Ukrainian producers, promoting the development of local businesses and stimulating economic growth through innovations and localization of production.

The forum will become a platform for finding new partners, because there will be a special area for B2B negotiations. This is your chance to find new customers, make great deals and take your business to the next level.

For visitors, the Business Forum is a celebration of entrepreneurship and Ukrainian achievements. You can not only visit the fair, where the best Ukrainian producers are represented, but also take part in workshops on traditional crafts, listen to lectures from the leaders of the most successful companies, and attend discussion panels on the development of the business sector with government representatives and leading experts. And for the youngest guests, we have prepared a fun entertainment programme – robotics competitions and interactive contests with animators.

The “Made in Ukraine” Business Forum is not just an event. This is your chance to grow, develop your business and strengthen your position in the market. And for everyone who attends the forum, this is an opportunity to support Ukrainian producers, making your contribution to the restoration and prosperity of our country. Because when we choose products made in Ukraine, we all win!

Keep an eye on the event page on Facebook, so as not to miss the main news.

For reference

The “Made in Ukraine” Business Forum is organized by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Ukraine in cooperation with the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine, the Chamber of Commerce of Ukraine and the Kyiv-Mohyla Business School, as part of the “Transformational Recovery for Human Security in Ukraine” project, with financial support from the Government of Japan.