UNDP supports the development of e-commerce

April 4, 2023
Photo: UNDP Uzbekistan

The United Nations Development Program in cooperation with the Ministry of Investment, Industry and Trade, Export Promotion Agency, as well as with the support of the regional Khokimiyats of the Republic of Uzbekistan on March 6-29, 2023, conducted a number of regional trainings on the use of electronic trading platforms in promoting of products for export and the possibilities of modern methods of analysis statistics and structure of foreign trade of foreign countries.

The aim is to increase the level of knowledge and skills of representatives of regional Khokimiyats on modern methods of promoting products on foreign trade platforms and the possibilities of online analysis of the structure and volume of foreign trade of foreign countries to improve further improve the effectiveness of services to support exports of entrepreneurs and exporters.

Photo: UNDP Uzbekistan

More than 400 (of which 300 men and more than 100 women) representatives of regional Khokimiyats associated with exports and exporting entrepreneurs in 12 regions of the Republic of Uzbekistan, in the city of Tashkent and the Republic of Karakalpakstan took part in the trainings.

During the trainings, the participants were explained the main advantages of e-commerce, the main types of modern electronic marketplaces, how to use them in export activities, the use of modern methods of market analysis based on the "www.trademap.org" platform, as well as the use of appropriate logistics tools in export activities. Moreover, analytics of the export of Uzbek products through marketplaces were demonstrated, including sectoral divisions and actual examples of companies.

Photo: UNDP Uzbekistan

At the end of the training in the Bukhara region, one of the participants, Ms. Nozima Kushaeva (LLC Ark Eko Tekstil, Bukhara) shared her impressions of the training: 

“I received a lot of interesting and useful information, learned new tools, and everything was structured in my head and formed into a single picture. I learned a lot of new nuances that I did not pay attention to - now I will pay attention and use it in practice. Information was provided in a very open and accessible way. The atmosphere at the training was pleasant and friendly! Once again, thank you for this opportunity."
Photo: UNDP Uzbekistan

Abdumanob Mirzaev, Deputy Head of the Department of Investments, Industry and Trade of the Ferghana Region noted: 

“The effective use of marketplaces in the export of domestic products is becoming an urgent issue today. Because the use of international electronic platforms is becoming a convenient tool for finding buyers when exporting our national products to world markets. Particularly interesting to me was the use of international search engines to monitor, study and analyze foreign trade operations on a global scale. As I noticed, the training seminar was effective and meaningful, all participants took an active part and received enough answers to their questions. Expressing my gratitude to the training organizers and experts, I would like to note that such interesting training should be more.

The training was held within the framework of the UNDP project ‘Aid for Trade in Central Asia’ funded by the Government of Finland and implemented by the United Nations Development Programme in partnership with the Ministry of Investments, Industry and Trade of Uzbekistan. The overall objective of the project is to support Central Asian countries in promoting inclusive and sustainable growth through promoting green value chains and increasing the competitiveness of economies, and contributes to building more resilient, secure and gender-responsive economic structures through economic diversification and adaptation to new trends caused by COVID-19.