Addressing Harmful Gender Stereotypes. Application of Behavioural Insights

Addressing Harmful Gender Stereotypes. Application of Behavioural Insights

September 6, 2024

Promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment is one of the building blocks of fair and sustainable development in providing the foundation for preventing violent extremism. UNDP supports women as agents of change and national partners’ efforts to implement with the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security. In this context, innovative approaches to prevention, including the use of Behavioural Insights are becoming more popular as they have demonstrated impact and practicality.

The report "Addressing Harmful Gender Stereotypes: Application of Behavioural Insights" provides information about the UNDP’s recent behavioural insights experiment in Uzbekistan. This experiment assessed the effectiveness of a behavioural intervention in transforming the deep-rooted harmful gender norms. 


The intervention was made possible through the generous financial contribution of Denmark, Luxembourg, the Republic of South Korea, and Sweden, through UNDP's funding windows.