Integrated Sustainable Landscape Management Through Deforestation-Free Jurisdiction project in Lam Dong and Dak Nong, Viet Nam

Project Summary 

The project employs Deforestation-free jurisdictional approach (DFJA) as a key to achieve the expected results. DFJA here refers to a holistic framework to demonstrate sustainable development without deforestation in a particular jurisdiction. This will promote the effective consolidation of (i) political realities and enforcement measures in a jurisdiction (ii) the actions towards sustainable supply chains taken by relevant actors of key commodities. The project contributes directly to and promotes the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals, national strategies, and commitments on reducing greenhouse gas emissions, green growth, and forest protection, sustainable agricultural development of Viet Nam in general and the Central Highlands region in particular.


Central Highlands is the second most disadvantaged region in Viet Nam where indigenous households remain entrenched in poverty, coupled with persistent gap in welfare between groups.  Meanwhile, a significant part of natural forests of the region has been converted to various agricultural crops and plantations. Expansion of permanent crops keeps pushing subsistence farming from marginalized farmers into more remote and forested areas, making it more difficult for the poorest households and particularly ethnic minorities to benefit from more sustainable and profitable practices. Degradation of agricultural lands due to overuse of agrochemicals and soil erosion has become alarming.

Major Achievements  

  • 80% of the land-use changes observed and reported by the provincial monitoring and evaluation system are aligned with the targets and allocations of the land use plan
  • 2 value chains are piloting sustainability standards including a full traceability system and near real-time monitoring (coffee and NTFPs)
  • 25,000 ha of deforestation avoided
  • More than 30,000 farmers are supported by the project leveraged effect
  • Total public & private financial volume leveraged through the project reach from 15 to 25 million EURO by the end of the project
  • Deforestation-free and Sustainable Landscape development approach is well-defined, understood by related stakeholders at national and provincial levels and towards integration into relevant provincial and national planning and policy frameworks.

Project Outcome  

  • The project has four main expected results:
  1. OUTCOME 1: Effective governance systems including integrated land use planning and management tools and processes are established at district and provincial levels
  2. OUTCOME 2: Sustainable, climate-smart, productive standardized practices are implemented for agriculture and non-timber forest products and services
  3. OUTCOME 3: The financial environment is enhanced with innovative mechanisms, increased funding and thriving partnerships to support transformation towards sustainable landscapes, with emphasis at provincial and district levels
  4. OUTCOME 4 - Sustainability and scaling up are ensured through robust coordination, monitoring and evaluation, knowledge production and dissemination, and active advocacy at regional and national levels
  • The project will directly contribute to sustainable forestry development in the Central Highlands and implementing the Viet Nam Forestry Development Strategy for the 2021-2030 period with a vision to 2050, the recently approved Strategy for Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development for 2021-2030, the Viet Nam’s Nationally Determined Contribution as a measure to implement Paris Agreement (COP26), Viet Nam’s commitment to net zero emissions by 2050, and Government’s proposal on planting one billion trees in the period of 2021 – 2025.

Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) component  

The gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) aspect is fully integrated into the implementation of the activities to improve local livelihoods and develop sustainable agricultural production through inclusion of vulnerable groups including ethnic minorities and women in agriculture, forest-farming, and ecotourism value chains.

Awareness raising at all levels will be implemented, on the gains to sustainable landscape management of taking a gender and ethnic minority mainstreaming perspective and secure their active role in selecting and informing business models and sites for targeted support.

In addition, specific targets on poorest groups and gender-specific indicators have been included in the project design, and will be tracked through project implementation, including as part of implementing safeguards.

In order to support forest livelihoods for indigenous communities, specific focus will be given to activities related to non timber forest product’s commodities, such as development of ornamental and medicinal plants.