Renewable Energy Improve Access to Health Services and Livelihood Opportunities (HEAL)

Project Summary

The project intends to address the lack of access to energy in health facilities as well as the lack of income opportunities for women and youth. In addition, the project interventions will provide support to improving the access to health services and livelihoods overall. The overall objective of the project is to contribute to reduced energy poverty and strengthened resilience capacity of conflict affected communities through improved health services and sustainable livelihoods. The project would be implemented in Aden, Lahj, Abyan, Sana’a and Hajjah governorates, and is expected to reach approximately 205,000 individuals (106,600 men and 98,400 women).

The overall objective of the project is to contribute to reduced energy poverty and strengthened resilience capacity of conflict affected communities through improved health services and sustainable livelihood.

Gender Empowerment 

Yemen ranks last on the global gender index, and ongoing crises have disrupted traditional gender roles for both men and women. As a result, women are now permitted to engage in economic activities.

The project aims to promote economic and empowerment models for women and youth through the use of solar micro-grids. Groups of women in selected districts, will operate a solar micro-grid station that will gain significant community support.  The micro-grid will also provide women (38% of recipients) with employment and income earning opportunities, allowing them to meet their household needs.

Lessons learned from the successful operation of the micro-grid station in 4 governorates (Sana’a, Hajja. Lahj, Abyan and Aden (will be applied to the proposed scaling initiative.

Expected Outputs

Output 1: Targeted hospitals have improved access to energy in sustainable manner and resumed critical facilities and services

Output 2: Targeted women and youth have access to sustained income opportunities through solar micro-grid supported expenditure for health, medicine and care.

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