Local leadership rehabilitates Aqabat Dhisra Road in Lahj, Yemen

September 10, 2024
a canyon with a mountain in the background

A landscape from Yafa District in Lahj Governorate.

UNDP Yemen / 2023

For years, the people of Yafa’ District, Lahj Governorate, faced daily hardship due to the poor condition of Aqabat Dhisra Road. The rough, narrow path, winding through rugged terrain, posed significant challenges to residents and travelers alike. Only large, durable vehicles could brave the rocky, uneven surface, making access to essential services, markets, and neighboring communities difficult and sometimes impossible. The road, more an obstacle than a passageway, symbolized the isolation that had long hindered the district’s development.

Aqabat Dhisra before the intervention.

UNDP Yemen / 2023

Recognizing the urgent need for improvement, local authorities identified the road’s transformation as a priority in their resilience and recovery plans, drawn out following capacity building trainings supported by UNDP’s Strengthening Institutional and Economic Resilience in Yemen (SIERY) Project funded by the European Union. 

a group of people sitting at a table

Local authorities, formally endorsing the project.

UNDP Yemen / 2023

For Yafa’a’s local authorities, this was not just about paving a path, but about paving the way for economic growth, improved service delivery, and enhanced quality of life for the people of Yafa’a. With support from the SIERY Project, local authorities translated their goal into reality.

Local authority member Ayash, discussing the impact of the newly paved road.

UNDP Yemen / 2024
"As the local authority, we were aware of the hardships this road imposed on our citizens. It had become a nightmare for anyone who had to pass through." — Ayash - Local Authority Member

With plans in place, the project team, along with local authorities, commenced the first steps of implementation. Engineers meticulously evaluated the site, marking the areas that would be expanded and paved. Their confidence and precision set the tone for what would be a monumental task—transforming a treacherous path into a safe, reliable road.

Kicking off the road pavement works

UNDP Yemen / 2024

As the project progressed, workers encountered numerous challenges. The road’s path intersected with water, sewage, and telephone networks, requiring careful excavation to avoid damaging critical infrastructure. Additionally, the region’s unpredictable weather, particularly the rain, threatened to delay the work. However, the team, armed with a robust risk management plan, persevered, navigating these obstacles with determination and expertise.

Pavement works underway

UNDP Yemen / 2024

One of the most significant aspects of the project was the construction of retaining walls along the road. These enormous structures not only provided stability to the newly paved surface, but also ensure the safety of travelers by preventing landslides and erosion. The retaining walls, with their impressive height and length, stand as a testament to the project’s quality and durability.

Aqabat Dhisra after the intervention.

UNDP Yemen / 2024

The successful completion of the Aqabat Dhisra Road project is a shining example of what can be achieved when local authorities are empowered to take the lead in development initiatives. With the road now fully paved and expanded, it has become a vital artery linking Dhisra to neighboring districts, reducing travel time, and making movement easier and safer for everyone.

"We are thrilled to officially inaugurate the Aqabat Dhisra Road today, a project made possible through generous funding from the European Union and support from UNDP. This road holds immense significance, serving over 35,000 residents." — Abdulfatah - Local authority member in Yafa’a.

Residents are joyful.

UNDP Yemen / 2024

The impact of the Aqabat Dhisra Road  project is visible in the smiles of local residents. Students, who once struggled to reach their schools, now walk confidently along the smooth road, their journey shortened and made safer. The people of Yafa’a District look to the future with hope, knowing that their local authorities are capable of driving progress and ensuring that essential services continue to reach every corner of their community. 

This remarkable transformation would not have been possible without the generous support of the European Union.