Second Edition Of The Voices From The Sahel: Conversation, Visions and Solutions

September 30, 2024
a man standing in front of a crowd
Photo: UNDP Senegal

In 2021, the first edition of the Voices from the Sahel conversations was held, led by the Office of the UN Special Coordinator for Development in the Sahel in collaboration with the UN Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS), and the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF), focused on how youths can be key actors of Sahel’s development. The exercise produced several key messages and recommendations.

The Office of the UN Special Coordinator has been leading collective efforts together with UN entities in the Sahel to organize and launch the second edition of the Conversations, following the successful implementation of the first edition. In this regard, the Office is pleased to inform about the second edition of the "Voices from the Sahel: Conversations, Visions & Solutions", co-created by the entire UN-system in the Sahel, and as part of the ongoing #IAMSahel campaign recently launched by UNDP . Building on the successes of the first edition in 2021, the consultation offers a valuable platform for young women and youth in the Sahel to participate in the UN’s decision-making and implementation processes.

This edition focuses on amplifying the voices of youth, shifting more attention to young women, to better understand their needs, ensuring their voices are heard and concerns equally addressed, as well as identifying key areas where the UN in the Sahel can provide more effective and transformative support for sustainable social and economic development for a more peaceful, stable, resilient, and prosperous Sahel. The sessions shall be moderated by UN Regional Directors of Agencies, Funds and Programmes.

The consultation will explore four key thematic areas: (I) Leveraging Digital Technology for Development; (II) Promoting Education for Women; (III) Entrepreneurial solutions for social and economic challenges; and (IV) Enhancing women’s political participation. Each topic will be explored every week, successively. These topics are essential for identifying how the UN can best support youth and young women, while the platform offers Sahelians a unique opportunity to engage directly with UN leadership in the region including UN Regional Directors and the UN Special Coordinator for Development in the Sahel.

The consultation period shall run from: 30 September to 25 October 2024

Expected Participants: youth and young women from the Sahel, civil society including, NGOs, faith-based and community-based organizations, government, academia, private sector, non-state actors working on youth and gender-related issues, bilateral and multilateral partners, UN, etc.

The office counts on your massive registration and active participation.

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Registration procedure below.

Instructions on how to Register and participate

Instructions pour s'inscrire et pour participer

In order to register and to take part to the Spark Blue Sahel Conversations, you are required to sign up (register) at with your email address. The steps to follow are:

1. Go to and click on sign up.

2. It will prompt you to enter your email and username and then click on, create account.

3. A link will be sent to your email asking you to create your password and enter profile details. Copy it and paste on your browser.

4. Then you create your password and enter the profile details including a profile picture if you desire.

5. There, it is done.

6. Now, go to the Voices of the Sahel Conversation Platform at: 

7. On the left side of your screen, you will see Join. Click on it and then, you click on join group.

* Note that at the on right corner of the page, you have the option to select your preferred language for viewing the content.

Afin de vous inscrire et de participer à aux conversations Sahel sur la plateforme Spark Blue, vous devez vous enregistrer (vous inscrire) sur avec votre adresse électronique. Les étapes à suivre sont les suivantes :

1. Allez sur et cliquez sur "sign up".

2. Il vous sera demandé d'entrer votre adresse électronique et votre nom d'utilisateur, puis de cliquer sur Créer un compte (create account)

3. Un lien sera envoyé à votre e-mail vous demandant de créer votre mot de passe et d'entrer les détails de votre profil. Copiez-le et collez-le sur votre navigateur.

4. Ensuite, vous créez votre mot de passe et entrez les détails du profil, y compris une photo de profil si vous le souhaitez.

5. Voilà, c'est fait.

6. Maintenant, allez sur la plateforme de la conversation Voix du Sahel à l'adresse suivante : 

7. Sur le côté gauche de votre écran, vous verrez Join. Cliquez dessus et ensuite, vous cliquez sur rejoindre le groupe (Join group).

* Notez que dans le coin supérieur droit de la page, vous avez la possibilité de sélectionner votre langue préférée pour visualiser le contenu.

For more information, contact:

Ashu Hailshamy (; Jiyeon Park (, Madina Ba (; Aicha Gamby (

Visit and UNISS on X (Formerly Twitter).