Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF)

Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF)

March 17, 2020

Project title:  Strengthening the protected area network for migratory bird conservation along the East Asian-Australasian Flyway (EAAF) in China

Country: China

Implementing Partner (GEF Executing Entity): National Forest and Grassland Administration

Execution Modality: NIM

Contributing Outcome (UNDAF/CPD, RPD, GPD):

Priority Area: Improved and Sustainable Environment; CPD Outcome 2: More people enjoy a cleaner, healthier and safer environment as a result of improved environmental protection and sustainable green growth

UNDP Social and Environmental Screening Category:


UNDP Gender Marker:


Atlas Award ID:  00096248

Atlas Project/Output ID:  00100224

UNDP-GEF PIMS ID number:  6110

GEF Project ID number: 10073

Document Type
Regions and Countries
Sustainable Development Goals