a group of people sitting in a room


Executive Board

Members of the Executive Board

Regional groups2024
African States
(8 members)
Cameroon (2024)
Chad (2024)
Côte d’Ivoire (2024)
Ethiopia (2025)
Kenya (2024)
Lesotho (2024)
Nigeria (2026)*
Tunisia (2026)***
Asia-Pacific States
(7 members)
Bangladesh (2026)*
China (2025)*
Kazakhstan (2024)
Myanmar (2024)
Nauru (2026)***
Republic of Korea (2025)
Qatar (2024)
Eastern European States
(4 members)
Republic of Moldova (2025)
Romania (2026)***
Slovakia (2025)
Ukraine (2024)
Latin America and Caribbean States
(5 members)
Brazil (2026)***
Colombia (2025)
Costa Rica (2024)
Ecuador (2025)
Jamaica (2026)***
Western European and other States
(12 members)**
Canada  (2024)
France (2026) ***
Germany (2024)
Iceland (2026)*
Italy (2025)
Japan (2025)
Netherlands (Kingdom of the) (2024)
Norway (2025)
Portugal (2026)***
Sweden (2024)
United Kingdom (2026)*
United States (2025)


Term expires on last day of the year indicated.
 * Re-elected
** WEOG has its own rotation scheme
***Newly elected for 2024-2026