UNDP Ghana
About us
As the United Nations lead agency on international development, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) works in 170 countries and territories to eradication and reduce inequalities. In Ghana, working across the 16 regions, UNDP works within the framework of the Government-UN Sustainable Development Partnership (UNSDP), which responds to Ghana’s development priorities and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for People, Prosperity, Planet, Peace and Partnerships by 2030. UNDP contributes to the achievement of Ghana’s Coordinated Programme of Economic and Social Development Policies (2017-2024) and the Ghana Beyond Aid Charter towards Ghana@100 (2057). UNDP in Ghana focuses its development interventions on three main programme areas. These are Governance and Peace Building, Environment and Climate Action, and Inclusive Development. At the heart of all UNDP's programmes is gender mainstreaming to ensure equity and fairness.
Governance and Peace Building
UNDP works with national partners to strengthen the trust of public institutions, empower citizens, and promote social cohesion and peace in Ghana.
Environment and Climate Action
UNDP promotes nature-based solutions and climate action to expand human development while protecting the planet.
Inclusive Development
UNDP works with national partners on evidence-based policies, planning and implementation to promote economic inclusion, support the resilience of small businesses, SDGs financing and investment towards inclusive development. We also ensure that both men and women benefit equally from development opportunities, to ensure gender equality.
Gender Equality and Women Empowerment
UNDP Ghana recognizes that gender inequality and discrimination remains a major obstacle to development in Ghana. Women and girls continue to face numerous challenges, including limited access to economic opportunities. Gender-based violence is also prevalent, with many women and girls experiencing physical, sexual, and emotional abuse.
UNDP Ghana has prioritized gender equality and women's empowerment in its development programmes to address the challenges. The Ghana Country Office is working with various partners at both national and sub-national levels to promote gender-responsive policies, laws, and practices, and to ensure that women and girls have equal access to resources, services, and opportunities.
Our aim is to create a more inclusive and equitable society where women and girls can reach their full potential. Key initiatives to promote gender equality and women's empowerment include:
Women's Economic Empowerment
We promote women's economic empowerment by supporting women and youth-led micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs). We provide business development support, training, mentorships, and financial support to women-led enterprises. The aim is to enable women to grow their businesses, create jobs, and contribute to Ghana's economic development.
Women in Leadership and Political Participation
In Ghana, though women constitute about 51% of the total population, the country has witnessed low participation of women in leadership since independence. For example, out of Ghana’s 275 members of parliament (MPs), there are only 40 women representing about 16%. Similarly, only 18 women are appointed as Ministers in 2020, out of the 86 current ministerial positions, representing about 21%. The situation is not different at the local government level, where out of the current 261 Metropolitan, Municipal and District Chief Executives (MMDCEs), only 38 are women, with the remaining 223 being men. Though these statistics suggest some progress made from previous years, there is still more work to be done to bridge the gender inequality gap.
UNDP has been working in selected districts across Ghana, engaging various groups, including assembly women and aspirants, representatives of queen mothers, youth groups, and other relevant community leaders/ members involving persons with disability, in useful discussions to identify structural barriers and co-create solutions to address the gender equality barriers.
Moreover, UNDP Ghana supports women's political participation and leadership. Our aim is to increase the number of women in decision-making positions especially in Government including in parliament and local government in Ghana.
Gender-Based Violence Prevention
We work with partners and the UN system to prevent and respond to gender-based violence (GBV) in Ghana. This is done through community and social media campaigns to prevent gender-based violence against women and girls.
Women in Climate Action
It is widely acknowledged that women are more vulnerable to the devastating effects of climate change due to their limited access and control over productive and economic assets and resources. High vulnerabilities of women are also attributable to widespread entrenched gender inequalities including inadequate representation of women and of gender issues in climate change policies.
In Ghana, UNDP supported the Government to mainstream gender in its national climate policy (the Nationally Determined Contributions – NDC), including the development of a gender tool kit.
At programme level, UNDP ensures fair representation of women in all its climate action initiatives.
An agile UNDP that is working and co-creating with partners and communities to accelerate sustainable development. We are a development partner of choice.
Our partners are Government, Development Partners, Private Sector, Media, Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), Communities including Youth and Women.
11.5 0.899 72.1
Expected years of schooling (years) Gender Development Index (GDI) Employment to population ratio (% ages 15 and older)